Chapter 31

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As Piers and Raihan met in the middle of the field, they shook hands and walked towards opposite tunnels. Piers re entered the locker room Y/N was in, as she was patiently waiting for her next battle. As their eyes met, she gave him a concerned smile, as he shrugged his shoulders as usual.

"Hey, Piers..." she sighed. "I'm sorry about your battle. I was looking forward to battling with you again."

"What can ya do." he snickered. "I'm cheerin' for you now."

She chuckled, as she unexpectedly went up to hug him. Despite being shocked from her embrace, he hugged her back, because he knew she was nervous and needed it.

"Go kick some Dragon ass." Piers joked, as Y/N laughed.

"Thanks." she smiled, just as the league worker called her name and told her it was time.

Everything felt so rushed, but she thankfully had the time to rest a bit along with her team. The battles seemed to last longer than usual today, so they must have been trying to hurry things up to prepare for the Champion Cup battle the following day.

Piers rubbed her shoulder, then turned to leave the locker room as she now faced the double doors leading out to the tunnel. She took a deep breath, and began walking out.

"Here it is, the last match of the Finals!" Y/N heard the commentator announce, as she became welcomed by the bright lights radiating from the stadium field.

"Who will earn the right to challenge the unbeatable Champion Leon?!"

The crowd roared as loud as ever as she came into view after exiting the tunnel.

"Will it be the brilliant rising star, Challenger Y/N? Or will it be the only trainer that Champion Leon calls his rival... the tamer of dragons, Raihan?!"

Feeling her heart start to beat faster and her palms beginning to sweat, she had almost made her way to the middle of the field to meet up with Raihan.

The past few years, no gym challenger had made it past the finals, let alone semi finals, to get a chance to compete against Leon. Yet, here she was, one battle away from that opportunity, and the only thing standing in her way was the man she loved, who had also just broken her heart.

As Raihan arrived to the middle of the battle field, he waited for Y/N, who was just a couple steps behind him. Much to his surprise, instead of meeting with him to greet him just like every other battle began, once she touched the middle of the field, she immediately turned and walked towards the pitch. Raihan was just as shocked as the audience was, and the cheers quickly turned into chatter, about what was going on between the two trainers on the field.

"Looks like we might have some hostility on the field!" the commentator added, "Is Galar's hottest couple having problems? I guess we're about to find out!"

Leon looked at Rose, who seemed unreadable as his eyes didn't leave the field, or Y/N. Although it seemed suspicious, Leon shook it off and turned his attention to the battle that was about to begin.

Raihan was at a loss of words, and felt his heart begin to sink as he turned around and took the pitch. He wasn't in the best place mentally, but tried to shut everything off as he threw out his first Pokémon.

Out on the field, was Raihan's Torkoal and Y/N's Gyarados. Before Raihan could call anything, Y/N commanded for her partner to use 'Rain Dance'. As the clouds turned black, rain drops began to fall on the field, and Raihan held back a smirk as she was using one of his normal battling tactics.

"Torkoal, use Flamethrower!" he shouted.

"Gyarados, dodge it and use Hydro Pump!" she commanded.

As her Pokémon jumped out of the way, an immense amount of water erupted from his mouth, causing Raihan's Pokémon to faint.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now