Chapter 11

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"It's nice to finally meet you Y/N. I've heard so much about you from a couple friends of mine." Nessa said as the two met in the middle of her stadium. "Looks like one of them came to see you today, huh?" she said as she looked over to the suite Raihan was in.

Y/N was definitely surprised to see him there, he made her believe he wouldn't have made it, but him surprising her made it even more special.

Although, she was confused as to why Nessa brought it up. Maybe she was trying to distract her? She chose to ignore the comment.

"It's nice to meet you as well." Y/N said with a smile on her face.

"Let's get this started, shall we?"

They both walked back and stood on the pitch, as the battle was about to begin. Nessa sent out her Goldeen, while Y/N followed and sent out Luxray. He easily took down her first two pokémon, which came as a shock to Nessa.

As Nessa brought out her last pokémon, Drednaw, she dynamaxed him which Y/N followed as she did the same to Luxray. She shouted an attack before Nessa could even think, and once again, took down another gym leader gaining her a second badge.

Y/N returned her pokémon, and was congratulated by Nessa before she went back into the locker room. She was excited to see Raihan, and watch Hop and Marnie compete next.

Y/N walked into the lobby, and sure enough was greeted by a big hug from Raihan.

"Congrats Princess!" Raihan said as he held her tight. "I'm starting to think you may even have a chance at getting to fight me."

"Guess you'll just have to wait and see." she joked. She knew the next few gym leaders wouldn't cause any struggles for her, and she would soon enough get to battle him, and hopefully Leon.

Hop came up to the two to congratulate her as well, Marnie had already started her gym challenge, and the three went back to the suite to watch her battle.

As they were waiting for Marnie to come out,
Y/N got a text from Leon,

It read: Congratulations Y/N! Hop told me that you just beat Nessa. I am so proud of you! I'll do my best to be at your next battle, promise! <3

Y/N smiled at the message, then put her phone away, as she felt an arm go around her.

"That from your boyfriend?" Raihan sarcastically said.

"I mean, it was just Leon." she teased.

"Uh huh. Too bad he couldn't have made it.. Guess I won't have to share you with him this time." he said as he kissed the side of her head.

Hop made a face as he watched, he didn't know Y/N and Raihan were that good of 'friends'. He didn't know much at all. Marnie had made little comments here and there, but Hop hadn't talked about it with Y/N. 'Maybe now was the right time?' he thought to himself.

"Hey Y/N? Come here for a sec." Hop said as he called her over to him.

"What's up Hop?" she smiled at him.

"Sooo, what's going on with you and Raihan? Or is it you and Lee?"

"Oh um..." Y/N said trailing off, "I'm, uh, not really sure?" she sweat dropped.

"Well, from the little that Marnie has told me, it seems like you have a couple options, huh?"

"I mean I don't really know Hop.. Is it bad to say I kind of like both of them?" she nervously said.

"Wait, you do?" he seemed surprised. "I thought Marnie was just joking around.. But you and Lee? My brother? Or Raihan? The guy with like, 50 girlfriends?"

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now