Chapter 10

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As she walked out of the tunnel onto the field,
Y/N heard the roar of the crowd as she and Milo met up in the middle. As she went to take the stand, she looked over and saw Leon, Raihan, Hop and Marnie cheering for her.

She even noticed Chairman Rose in the back, she wasn't sure why he decided to come by for her battle, but shook it off and got ready to begin.

As she brought her pokéball out, she whispered, "You ready for this girl?" and sent out Ninetales.

Y/N and Ninetales were breathing in perfect sync, and took down Milo's first pokémon with a super effective attack. His team didn't compare to Ninetales speed or strength, so he decided he would dynamax his last pokémon.

As he sent out Eldegoss, he called him back and sent out the dynamax version. Y/N responded as well, and did the same for her partner. Out came Ninetales, now in her dynamax form. Before Milo could even get a hit in, Y/N once again, easily took down his pokémon.

As Eldegoss fainted, the crowd went wild and cheered for Y/N. She returned Ninetales, and walked up to Milo, as he went up to congratulate her and give her the first gym badge. She thanked him, and went into the locker room to change and meet up with her friends.

As she walked into the lobby, Hop and Marnie went up to her.

"Wow Y/N you and Ninetales were amazing!" Hop said as he hugged her.

"Ninetales didn't even take any hits! That was crazy!" Marnie said, hugging her as well.

"Thank you guys! We had so much fun out there, didn't we girl?" Y/N said as she called out her pokémon, who was just as excited for the win.

"Should we head back to Motostoke then go to Hulbury tomorrow?" Hop asked.

"Yeah that works!" Y/N and Marnie said.

"Let's wait for Lee to come out so we can tell him our plans."

They waited in the lobby for Leon and Raihan, and finally after about thirty minutes they showed up.

"Y/N! You and Ninetales looked great out there!" Leon said as he came up to hug her.

"You really think so?" she said blushing.

"Of course." he said while still holding her, as Raihan walked up behind them.

"Damn princess, you didn't tell me you were that strong! You looked so hot." Raihan said as he grabbed her hand and pulled her in for a hug.

"Haha well thank you guys!" she said as she embraced Raihans hug.

Hop told Leon and Raihan what their plan for the rest of the day was, and the two explained how they had to go back to Wyndon and Hammerlocke to take care of some business, but they would hopefully be able to meet back up in a few days.

Y/N was sad, but understood. She had lost so much time with the two that she didn't realize how busy they actually were on a daily basis.

As they all were saying goodbye, Raihan went up to Y/N and grabbed her phone out of her hands.

"Here you go princess," he said as he put his number in her phone,"you can call me anytime. Even late at night when you're missing me a little too much." she rolled her eyes as he winked at her.

"Raihan, let's go." Leon said, annoyed at his last comment.

They said goodbye, and Y/N, Hop and Marnie left as well to head back to the Budew Drop Inn. As they reached the Galar Mine, they ran into one of the other trainers who was also competing in the gym challenge.

"Oh, it's you guys..." he said as they crossed paths.

"I'm sorry, but who are you?" Hop asked.

"I'm Bede? The trainer who was endorsed by none other than Chairman Rose?" he said as the three hardly knew who he was.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now