Chapter 20

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Wyndon was quite far from Hammerlocke, and since Y/N and Marnie had never been there, they decided to take a flying taxi. The weather still wasn't the best, but was fine to travel in for the time being. Leon had called two taxis to take them back, and they waited til they arrived.

Y/N stood furthest from Leon and Raihan, as she was still upset with them and was not looking forward to spending the next few days with them. Although, she did appreciate that Leon was opening up his home to them, and felt better that they could all stay safe together.

As the taxis arrived, Leon and Raihan decided to ride in separate ones in case they got separated from each other. Hop and Marnie wanted to go together, so Y/N had to pick between one of the boys to go with. She would've rather gone with just her friends, but decided to go with Leon, as he seemed to be the lesser of two evils.

As they got in the taxi, it took off towards Wyndon, and the two sat in silence. Y/N looked out the window, admiring the view of the religion, until Leon tried talking to her.

"I forgot to tell you, congrats on your win." he said to Y/N.

"Thanks." she responded, uninterested in having a conversation.

"I didn't know you had a shiny Gyarados, took us all by surprise." he chuckled.

"You saw?" she questioned.

"Mhm. Raihan and I watched at lunch."

"Oh. With Sonia and Nessa." she muttered.

"Well, yeah, they were there too."

She nodded, and turned to continue looking out the window.

"Look Y/N, I-"

"Can we not, Leon?" she cut him off.

"I would like a chance to talk to you at some point. Please?" he sighed, while giving her sad eyes.

"Fine." she groaned. "Just not right now, okay?"

"Okay." he smiled, as he grabbed her hand.

Once they arrived in Wyndon, Leon and Y/N got there first and decided they would go to a restaurant to get a table as they waited for the others. Leon texted Raihan where to meet them, and they walked into the restaurant to avoid standing outside in the rain.

As Leon checked in to get a table, Y/N could tell that people around them were starting to talk, and some were even taking pictures. She rolled her eyes, and tried to ignore it as they were escorted to their table. Thankfully, because of Leon, they were able to get in a private area away from everyone else.

The two sat down at the table, and looked over the menu while still not speaking. As the waitress came over, they ordered a couple of cocktails, and wondered what was taking the others so long.

"Y/N, look..." Leon started to say, "I'm sorry. For everything. Hop told me what you guys talked about, and I should have told you from the start. I hope you can forgive me. I really miss you."

She didn't know what to say. It felt like a genuine apology from Leon, but it still didn't make up for the fact that he could've told her and didn't. Not to mention that he supposedly still had feelings for Sonia. She had missed him too, and it was hurting her to try and act so distant from him.

As she was about to respond, the others walked in, and sat down. Marnie next to Y/N, Hop next to Marnie, and Raihan in between Leon and Hop.

"Sorry that took so long, we got caught up in the wind and had to go another route." Raihan told the two who were waiting on them.

"No worries. We already ordered drinks." Leon responded.

"Remind me to never take a flying taxi during a storm again." Hop muttered, as he looked sick.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now