Chapter 23

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Leon and Raihan were still sitting in silence, while waiting for Y/N to come out of the bathroom. After she got dressed, she pinned her hair up in a towel, and opened the door. The boys both smiled at her, and she tried to ignore it as she got into bed.

"The bathroom is yours if you need it." she told Raihan.

"Yeah, I might go shower here in a sec." he smiled at her, which made her blush.

"I put this random show on but you're more than welcome to change it." Leon smiled at Y/N, while tossing her the remote.

Y/N tried not to look Leon in the eyes, as she was still in disbelief of what she had just heard from him, but he made it hard.

"I think I'm going to get ready for bed. Watch whatever you want." she snapped, as she threw the remote back.

Leon was shocked to see her respond like this, and thought there was no way she could've heard what he and Raihan were talking about, but there wasn't any other reason why she would have such a quick change in behavior.

There wasn't anything wrong with her personally, he just didn't think that there was anyone out there who could actually beat him in a battle. That's not something she should've taken offense to, he became champion so long ago and had yet to meet anyone who actually put up a fight against him.

"You okay, sweetheart?" Raihan asked her, as he could tell something was off.

She snapped out of it, as she did not want to have to face the conversation that was soon to come, that night.

"Yup. Just cold, is all." she smiled, as he took his jacket off, flashing his abs in the process.

"Here, put this on Princess." she grabbed the jacket out of his hand, and threw it over the towel on her head and onto her body.

It was oversized, but extremely comfortable. Not to mention it smelled just like Raihan, which was very comforting. She could tell that it annoyed Leon, which made her glad she did it even more.

"Thanks, Rai." she giggled.

He loved seeing her in his jacket. "Damn, I never thought that my jacket would look better on anyone but me, but there you are." he teased as she blushed.

"You mean my jacket now?" she winked.

"Yeah yeah, we'll see about that." he laughed, as he went into the bathroom to shower.

As she sat on the bed smiling still, Leon got up from the couch and went to sit by her. She gave him a small smile, then looked away.

"I'm sad I don't get to sleep with you tonight." he sighed, as he grabbed her hand.

"Yeah. Too bad." she said, being short, and taking her hand out of his.

"Is something wrong, Y/N?"

"No, Leon. I'm just tired and have had a long day."

Y/N had dealt with people doubting her her entire life. Wether it was her mother, random trainers, or her competitors, no one thought she would ever be strong enough to do anything, especially make it past 6 gym leaders with hardly any struggle at all.

Now Leon, one of the men she thought she could see herself with, was now another addition to that list. That hurt more than anything. Yet, it made her twice as motivated to beat Piers and Raihan, and make her way through the rounds to finally face off with him. She knew she had it in her, and knew she could beat him, it was only a matter of time.

Even Chairman Rose saw something in her that Leon clearly did not, and looking back, made her start to regret not trusting him and deciding to work with him. It wasn't his support or help she needed, but it did feel nice having someone believe in her.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now