Chapter 26

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As Y/N and Camilla walked back into the stadium, the doors leading to the stands were now open which allowed fans to make their way in to try and get a good seat to watch the battle.

"Man, that's a lot of people..." Y/N sweat dropped, as she had not been nervous before a gym challenge since her battle against Milo.

"I haven't seen this many people gather here so fast!" Camilla added, as Y/N looked at her with worry.

"You're not helping..." she nervously laughed, as Camilla's face turned red.

"Shoot, you're right. I'm sorry. You're going to do great Y/N!"

"Well, thanks Camilla." she smiled. "How did Jacks battle go?"

"He lost again." she sighed.

"Poor Jack." Y/N groaned.

"But you're going to be just fine." Camilla reassured. "Now, go get dressed and we'll see you in the The Vault."

Once Y/N got into the locker room, she started to change into her uniform before abruptly pausing as she was listening to an interview that had just taken place.

"So, Gym Leader Raihan," the reporter said, "how do you feel about the next gym trainer you're going to face?"

"I am very excited for our battle." Raihan told him. "Challenger Y/N is an incredible trainer, and it will be an interesting battle."

Raihan couldn't help but blush at the thought of Y/N, especially after their time last night, and it was very obvious.

"That's all? There have been some speculations that you two are dating. Any comment on that?"

"Oh, well uh, I..." Raihan froze, and Y/N knew the rest of this interview wouldn't be good.

"There have been reports of you two on dates together, posts on your pokégram of her, and even sightings of the two of you at your apartment. Seems like we may have a budding romance upon us."

The reporter was grilling him. Y/N didn't know how he would react, and was nervous to hear.

"Well, the truth is..." Raihan started,

'Oh Arceus, this cannot be good' she thought to herself.

"We are together. The rumors are true." Raihan admitted, as he felt a weight lifted off of his shoulders.

He knew it probably wasn't the best idea to announce their relationship before their battle, but he didn't want her to feel like he was trying to keep her a secret.

As a bunch of reporters were now questioning him more then ever, the one that got through asked a question that even Y/N wanted to know the answer too.

"So now, how do you feel about battling your girlfriend? Do you think she can win?"

As Raihan's face lit up, he told the reporters, "I think Challenger Y/N has the capability and talent to make it all the way to the top, and win." he smiled, then said, "Unless I beat her there myself." with a wink. "I must go now, thank you all."

As he disappeared from the screen, Y/N felt nothing but joy from the things he said about her. She was more excited than ever to challenge him, and knew that they would have a great time battling. Once she was completely changed into her uniform, she started towards the exit of the locker room, and made her way to The Vault.

On her way there, a lot of fans were trying to gather around her and question her about her newly discovered relationship, and she had to try and push them away. A couple of the gyms staff came to her side, and had to escort her to keep people away.

Torn Between Two (Leon x Reader x Raihan) Where stories live. Discover now