Chapter 5

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Y/N was finally back in Galar. Even though she was excited to see Hop, she would still miss her old friends Barry and Lucas. She wasn't sure how the next year would play out, or how she would make time to continue training her pokémon without her mother finding out.

She hoped that once she told Hop what was going on, he would help her out and they could train together. She knew he wanted to become a trainer as well, it was only a matter of time.

Once she got home, she brought out both of her pokémon, and showed Shinx where his new home was. He and Vulpix got along very well, Y/N's mother even got them their own beds in her bedroom.

She was surprised her mother didn't ask too many questions, because she had a feeling she knew something was up, but just brushed it away and didn't bring it up.

Y/N went to Hops house later that day to show him her new pokémon, and was sad to see Leon's room was empty. He really was gone.


Y/N and Hop spent the next year continuing to go to school together and spent as much time as they could training. Wether it was in Hops backyard, or the wild area, which they had to sneak off to most of the time, they couldn't get enough.

Y/N told her mother they would study and do their school work together, so she could get out of the house more. She would often show her mother the data she was collecting on her own pokémon to give to Professor Rowan that coming summer.

She could keep up her act of wanting to become a professor as well as catch more pokémon in the process. It was for "research purposes".

Throughout the year, Y/N added a Noibat and Trapinch to her team, while Hop added a Rookidee and Munchlax. She kept up with the same excuse she told her mother when she introduced Shinx, who was now a Luxio.

They were all different types she needed to study, because that was a specific task Professor Rowan gave her to do while she was in Galar.

Together, Y/N and her pokémon made a great team. She was excited to add a couple other pokémon to her team, but didn't want to rush anything. Or make her mother any more suspicious than she already was.

She liked to spend time with each pokémon, training them in ways specific to their type. She knew the importance of that.

She would often use her free time to run with her pokémon to build up their speed and endurance, but still was limited on time due to the fact that her mother was still under the assumption she would become a professor.

Leon and Raihan were both starting to get a name for themselves as they beat a couple of the gym leaders and started to show their real strength.

Y/N and Hop were happy for them, but still wished things were the same as before Leon left. Y/N had yet to see Leon again, and tried to put him on the back of her mind.

She would often find herself thinking of him and Raihan, both boys who she had feelings for. But, she knew there would never be anything more than a friendship with them, so it was time to move on.

And what about Barry? What was that kiss he gave her before she left? It was all so confusing, but all she wanted now was to focus on herself and her team.

That following summer, Y/N spent all of her time training with Barry, as he was to getting ready to try and take on the gym challenge in Sinnoh.

She became a lot closer with him, and really started to like him. She wasn't sure if he felt the same, but he was sweet and gentle with her, even when she would beat him in a battle.

Professor Rowan gave him and Lucas the task of filling out a pokédex, which Y/N glady assisted with. That summer they had more fun and grew so much stronger than they could've imagined, and then it was time for Y/N to go home again.

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