Part 2

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For months, Y/N and Loki would wander the castle together and talk. They instantly clicked. They talked about everything. Loki has never felt like this before. He knew after a few weeks that he needed to have her. Y/N felt the same way. They just worked. Eventually they both let each other knowhow they were feeling. The relationship was a secret. A forbidden love just between them and no one else.

He knew that one day him and his brother would be betrothed to someone but maybe Odin would change his mind. Just maybe, Loki could marry whoever he wanted. Thor was going to be King of Asgard so he would need to be betrothed But Loki is just the Prince of Asgard. Things could be different.

Loki often visits Y/N in the Sept. Y/N always sits in the Sept and talks to the Gods. This time Loki wanted to talk to Y/N about taking their relationship a step further. He wants to bring it to Odin. Loki wants to see if he can marry Y/N and not be betrothed to someone Odin and Frigga choose.

Loki: Hello my beautiful lady. Do you have a second to talk? I want to talk about our future.

Y/N: I want nothing more than to marry you Loki. You are my love. I want you in my life forever.

Loki: Let me talk to Odin then.

Y/N: Darling, the All-Father will not allow this. It is the law. Odin and Frigga must betroth you to someone they choose.

Loki's whole mood changed instantly. Loki knows the law. He loves Y/N so much. Loki knows she is right. Odin would most likely say no. But for some reason he was hoping she would want him to talk to his father. Loki thought Y/N would have encouraged him. She wants a future with him. Talking to Odin is the only way to make sure of that. Y/N sees his mood changes and reaches for his hand to calm him, to comfort him.

Loki: So you don't want me to talk to Odin? I could ask to change the law. For us.

Y/N: I don't think its a good idea my love. At least not right now.

Loki: I will wait then my lady. Just for you. But promise we can bring it to him eventually?

Y/N: Of course. I promise. Bring it up to Odin when the time is right.

Loki: I will.

Loki will of course listen to Y/N. He will wait to talk to his father even if he doesn't want to wait. Thor's coronation is coming up. This only means that Odin will betroth him very soon. Every King needs a Queen. Loki wants to see what happens with Thor and then he will readdress the situation with Y/N. Eventually he knows once Thor is married, Odin will then turn to him to marry next. Every Prince needs a wife.

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