Part 50

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Five months later. Magni has been king for five months and Jordahl has been queen for about four months. A month after Magni's coronation, Jordahl and Magni's wedding took place. The wedding was beautiful. It was perfect. Magni and Jordahl have been doing an amazing job together. Y/N helped them a lot with the transition into ruling Asgard. Y/N just wanted everything to run smoothly. Thor helped too but only for one month just like he agreed too. Y/N and Thor are no longer in charge of Asgard. They are not King and Queen anymore. Twenty Three years they ruled together. The weight of the royal responsibilities and ruling is now off their shoulders and now on Magni and Jordahl's shoulders. Thor and Y/N have been free too do as they please. Y/N has no plan to leave the castle. Her and Loki plan to stay in the castle and raise Vali.

Just like Y/N, Loki, and Thor discussed; Thor left Asgard a month after Jordahl's coronation and has been living with Jane on earth since. Everything is going great between them. They were meant for each other. Moving to Earth has been great for Thor and Jane's relationship. Over the ten years of visiting each other back and forth, it was a lot of planning and deciding when to see each other. Now they are with each other everyday. It's easy. Thor and Jane have visited his children once since moving to Earth so far. They spent a week on Asgard then came back to Earth. Thor loves his children and loves spending time with them but they all have their own lives and so does Thor with Jane on Earth now. His children understand though. Thor and Jane decided every two months they would go to Asgard to visit the children.

Y/N is in her chambers with her handmaiden when Thena walks into the room to talk to her mother. For three months now, Thena and Aron have been preparing for their move to the Asgardian Village. It took them some time to decide on a house to live in and everything that comes with getting a new house. After finally deciding on the house, they started to prepare for the move. They bought new furniture and decorated the whole house the way they wanted.
The last step of moving is packing everything from the castle and bringing it to their new home. It took some time to pack everything but it's finally time for Thena, Aron, and the twins to move before the new baby is born.

Thena: Mother.

Y/N turns around and looks at Thena.

Y/N: Thena. How are my grandchildren?

Thena: They are great. I came to tell you, we are officially moving to the village today.

Y/N: Today? Everything is packed?

Thena: Yes, everything has been packed and on its way to the village. I just wanted to say goodbye and we'll see you soon.

Y/N: My sweet girl.

Y/N immediately walks towards her daughter and gives her a hug. She's very happy for Thena but sad to see her move out of the castle. Thena won't be moving far but Y/N won't get to see her only daughter everyday which makes her upset. Y/N wants her children to make their own decisions and they have. All of her older children are moving on with their lives and are extremely independent. This reminds her of how she was before she was betrothed to Thor and became Queen. She's very proud of them. Magni is King, Thena has her family, and Modi is becoming an Einherjar soldier.

A week later, Y/N and Loki are spending time with Vali in their chambers when Modi comes to say goodbye for now to his mother. He's finally joining the Einherjar and needs to train and learn with them before he can serve officially. The training is for a few months and is away from the castle. He's already spoken to Loki and Vali at their last training together today but he needed to spend some time with his mother and say goodbye. Modi spends an hour with Y/N, Vali, and Loki but after the hour passed he knew it was time to leave.

Modi: I have to go mother.

Y/N: I hate to see you leave but I am so proud of you Modi.

Modi: Thank you Mother. I will only be away for a few months. Then I'll be an Einherjar solider for Magni.

Y/N: I know. I know. You'll do great.

Modi: Love you Mother.

Y/N: Love you Modi.

Y/N, Loki, and Vali watch Modi walk out the door. Loki smiles as he walks out. They've been training for this moment for years. He's very proud of him. Vali is upset to see his brother leave for a few months. Vali is the closet with Modi. Y/N doesn't know how to feel in this moment after watching Modi walk out of the room. Another child of Y/N has left the castle.

For twenty three years, Y/N has had her children by her side through everything. But now Thena has moved out and Modi has left for a few months. She's thankful to still have Magni, Loki, and of course Vali by her side. Everything is the way its supposed to be. It took time for everything to come together but everyone is happy. This is what Y/N always wanted for herself, for her children, for Thor, and for Loki.

Loki: Darling, don't worry about Modi. I can see the worry on your face but he's ready for this.

Y/N: I'm always going to worry.

Loki: I know. Come on, lets go eat lunch as a family.

Y/N: Alright, Vali it's time for lunch.

Y/N and Loki have come a long way. Their relationship went from a forbidden, hidden love to a relationship that is accepted and known to the rest of Asgard. Loki and Y/N have overcome many things. Both have changed in their own ways since they met all those years ago when they were younger but the love they have for each other never changed. They were meant to be together and will be together for the rest of their lives.

Loki: Thank you for making me a better person and for loving me. I wouldn't be the person I am today without you. You are the most amazing person I know.

Y/N: I love you.

Loki: I love you too Darling.

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