Part 38

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Loki brought Y/N to the abandoned world of Svartalfheim. Loki knew the world would be a peaceful, beautiful place to bring Y/N. Loki sits and guides the Skiff through Svartalfheim. He looks up at Y/N. Y/N is just looking around.

Loki: Welcome to the world of Svartalfheim. I didn't mean to scare you before, I just wanted to surprise you. I'm the only one who knows about the secret passage and I wanted to share it with you.

Y/N: It's so quiet here. I've never been off of Asgard before.

Loki: Thor was the only one who went off world all these years?

Y/N: Yes.

Loki: Really?

Y/N: The children were so young. Even if I had the opportunity to leave Asgard, I wouldn't have left my children back then or even now. Being off world feels wrong.

Loki: It's only for a couple of hours, darling. Thor is home. You deserve time away, just like Thor does every week.

Y/N: I know. I'm happy to have this time with you. I just hate to be away from my children.

Loki: Speaking of the children, when can I meet them? You can't keep hiding them from me forever.

Y/N: Loki, I'm not hiding them for you. I told you, this isn't just my decision. But I want you to meet them, I really do. I'll talk to Thor later today.

Loki: So Thor still doesn't want me to meet them?

Y/N: I don't know.

Loki: What do you mean you don't know?

Y/N: I haven't talked to him about it recently. Last time was two weeks ago.

Loki: Talk to him. A lot has changed since then Y/N. I am a different person from when I first came back to Asgard. You know that. Thor definitely knows that. Being with you again makes me feel alive. Thor and I are finally friends again. Everything feels normal.

Y/N: Yes, a lot has changed.

Loki: You say that like it's a bad thing.

Y/N: No, no. All good changes, my love.

Loki: What's on your mind Y/N?

Y/N: I need to talk to you about something.

Loki: Oh. This must be important. You are very serious right now. Darling, What's going on?

Y/N: I'm pregnant.

Loki smiles at Y/N. He could tell Y/N was nervous to tell him. Honestly, Loki never thought he'd ever have a child especially with Y/N. But being with Y/N again and actually having a future together, he can now think about this stuff. And now it's actually happening. He's going to be a father. He can't believe it.

Y/N was definitely nervous to tell Loki about the pregnancy. She didn't know how he would re-act to the news. Loki and Y/N never talked about having children together. All that time together talking, having a children together never came up in discussion. After having three children, Y/N also thought she was done having children. This baby is unexpected but is a blessing in disguise. Y/N is very excited for this chapter with Loki.

Loki and Y/N spent the rest of their date talking about the pregnancy and their future together. Loki asked Y/N if she would consider marrying again. They both knew they wanted to be together forever. Why not make it official? Y/N told Loki she wants to marry him when the time is right. Loki understood where she was coming from and agreed with her. He'd finally get to marry Y/N, eventually.

Thor and Y/N may be separated from their marriage but officially and legally they are still married in the eyes of Asgard. For Loki to ever marry Y/N, Thor and Y/N would need to legally end their marriage. On the Skiff, Y/N promised Loki she would officially end the marriage within the next few months before the baby was born.

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