Part 28

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Two days later, Thor finally decided to visit Loki in the dungeon. After a lot of thinking and hearing what Y/N had to say about Loki, Thor knew it was time to finally talk to him. Thor wants to hear his brother's thoughts and his side on everything Y/N told him. Thor needs to decide by himself if he should let Loki out of his cell. As King, he's the only person who can make the decision to let someone out of their cell.

Y/N and Thor told Thena, Magni, and Modi about their separation a few hours after Thor talked to his father. They also told them about Odin leaving Asgard and will be gone for some time. By now, Odin is on Midgard. Y/N and Thor wanted to be open with their children and answer any questions they might have but also shield them from some of the truth. At first, their children didn't know how to react to the news.

Since Magni is the oldest, he understood more than Modi and Thena. But they all had questions like why don't you want to be together anymore, do you have to separate, etc. Thor and Y/N tried to answer all the questions honestly. By the end of the conversation, their children understood that the separation won't affect them to much and had to accept that their parents are not going to be together anymore.

Y/N hasn't visited Loki since her conversations with Thor. Y/N has honestly not had time to visit Loki these past few days. Y/N has been busy talking with Thor, spending time with her children, and doing her Queen duties. Just to make sure he didn't freak out or think he did something wrong, she sent down some books to Loki. She wrote a note to give with the books saying "Sorry I haven't been down in a few days, been extremely busy. I'll visit as soon as I can. Love, Y/N." Loki understood why she couldn't come down. It just sucks that Y/N was visiting him everyday and then the visiting just stopped.

Loki: Thor.

Thor: Loki.

Loki: After all this time and now you come to visit me.

Thor walks towards Loki's cell. This is the first time Thor is face to face with Loki since bringing him back to Asgard from Earth. This is the first time He's seeing Loki since their mother has passed. Thor can tell Loki doesn't know how to act around him. Loki is trying to hide and mask his pain from Thor by acting a certain way towards him.

Loki: Why? Have you come to gloat?

Thor: Loki. Enough. I'm here to talk about Y/N. She told me everything Brother. It's time for us to be honest with each other.

Meanwhile, Y/N is outside with all of her kids. Y/N has been worried about them ever since her and Thor told them about their separation. Y/N has been trying to spend as much time with them as she can. The conversation was probably very overwhelming for them since they just had their grandmother pass away and their grandfather is now off world and didn't say goodbye to them. Y/N knows it was bad timing but Thor and Y/N needed to let them know.

The news of their parents separating have made them closer. Magni and Modi have always been close but now they are involving Thena as well. Magni, Modi, and Thena are talking amongst each other. Y/N watches her children talk to each other. Y/N is at a distance where she can't hear her children but can see they are talking. She's just happy they are all getting along and spending time together.

Thena: There has to be a way for us to get them to stay together. Right?

Magni: You heard them, they said they weren't happy.

Modi: Yes but they've been married for this long. Why now?

Thena: You think they are hiding something from us?

Modi: They have to be. I'm going to find out.

Magni: Just leave it alone.

Thena: Modi, I would't do that.

Modi: This isn't fair.

After spending hours talking to Loki, Thor finally leaves the dungeon. Loki watches his brother walk away. This was the most honest conversation Thor and Loki has ever had. It was the first time, Loki really opened up to his brother and showed the real Loki. Loki is just misunderstood by a lot of people. Thor listened to what Loki had to say and apologized if he caused Loki any pain. Thor never wanted to hurt Loki by being betrothed to Y/N. Loki never wanted to hurt Thor but was driven by anger and sadness because Loki loved Y/N and Thor took her away. They are brothers and nothing can break the brother bond they have even after everything that has happened. Thor was pleased with the conversation with Loki. But Thor needs to still think about the idea of letting Loki out of his cell. There are safety concerns to think about. Thor needs to do whats in the best interest of Asgard, not in the best interest of Y/N and Loki.

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