Part 7

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The day of the coronation has arrived. Two weeks have passed since the announcement feast. As Asgardians arrive at the Hall of Asgard for the coronation, Thor waits with Y/N for everything to start. Once all the Asgardians are in and The Einherjars' are in place, the ceremony will begin. The warriors three and Lady Sif will walk in first, then Odin, Frigga and Loki, then Y/N will walk in, and then lastly Thor will walk down the hall.

Y/N: are you nervous to be King?

Thor: Of course not. I was born for this. I'm ready.

Over these two weeks, she's been trying her best to get to know Thor better. Y/N has been trying not to think about Loki. But every time she talks to Thor, she just thinks about how easy everything was with Loki.

Thor: are you nervous to be queen?

Y/N: Of course I am. How can I not be? I wasn't born to do this.

Thor: You'll be okay. You have me.

Y/N: But we really don't know each other.

Thor: that doesn't matter. I'm sure my mother will help you out once it's time for you to be queen.

Y/N: it matters to me.

Thor doesn't know what to say at this point. He finds Y/N attractive and could see himself loving her but at this moment all he can think about is being King. He knows he needs a queen and he knows he has to marry Y/N. Thor can tell that it's just going to take time for him and Y/N to get to a point like his mother and father.

Y/N: I should get ready to walk out.

Loki has been listening to their conversation behind a wall. He walks out from the wall that was hiding him to see everything. He watched Y/N walk away from Thor. Loki smirks. He can tell Y/N isn't happy to be with Thor. Thor doesn't care about her like he does. Loki knows he needs to complete his plan to get rid of Thor before Y/N and Thor are married. Hopefully it all goes as planned.

The coronation finally begins. The warriors three and Lady Sif walk in and stand on the steps. Then Odin, Frigga and Loki walk in. Frigga and Loki also go on the steps while Odin sits on his throne. Y/N's name is announced and she walks in. The future queen gets sent to a balcony right above the throne. Finally Thor walks down the hall. Everyone claps for him.

Loki looks down. Thor will be King shortly. Everyone is standing for Thor clapping and cheering as he walks down the hall. Y/N is watching Thor walk down the hall. He's loving all the attention he's getting. In that moment she had a realization that Thor and her are just polar opposites. He loves all this attention and she does not. She never wanted this. All she wanted was Loki.

Loki looks up at Y/N. Thor makes it to the end of the hall and kneels before his father. He looks up at Y/N, smiles, and winks at her. He's been waiting for this moment his whole life. He will be the King of Asgard. Y/N just stares down at Thor. She feels like he's just winking at her for show. Loki watches Y/N stand there and watch the coronation. She looks beautiful. After sometime, he looks a way. The coronation continues.

Odin: Thor Odinson, my heir, my firstborn.So long entrusted with the mighty hammer Mjolnir, forged in the heart of a dying star, its power has no equal, as a weapon to destroy or as a tool to build. 'Tis a fit companion for a king. I have defended Asgard and the lives of the innocent across the Nine Realms from the time of the great beginning. Though the day has come. Do you swear to guard the Nine Realms?

Thor: I swear.

Odin: And do you swear to preserve the peace?

Thor: I swear.

Odin: Do you swear to cast aside all selfish ambition and to pledge yourself only to the good of the Realms?

Thor: I swear!

Odin: Then, on this day, I, Odin Allfather, proclaim you the new King of Asgard.

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