Part 32

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Y/N and Loki go to Loki's chambers together. On the way there, Y/N explained why he needed to wear these chains around the castle. Thor made it very clear that Loki was to keep these on until he trusted Loki. Y/N reassured Loki that it won't be forever. At first Loki was taken back by the chains Y/N put on him. He felt a little betrayed but he understood that it is important for the chains to be on in order to be with Y/N. All he ever wanted was to be with Y/N.

Loki wants to stay out of the dungeon. He wants to prove himself to Thor. Loki will follow these rules. He wants to make Y/N proud. Y/N told Loki that when they are together alone in one of their chambers, she would take off his chains. But as soon as he isn't with Y/N, the chains need to be on at all times. As soon as they got to Loki's chambers, Y/N takes the chains off of Loki. Loki walks towards his bed and sits down. His chambers has stayed the same after all these years. Frigga wouldn't let Odin put anyone in his room or move anything. Everything was in place from thirteen years ago. Loki looks up at Y/N, who is standing across the room.

Loki: Why are you all the way over there?

Y/N: Just letting you get settled in.

Loki: Come sit with me, darling.

Y/N walks toward Loki's bed. Everything is perfect. It's just Y/N and Loki. Alone at last. Y/N sits down next to Loki on his bed. Then she lays on his bed and puts her head in his lap. She looks up at him. Loki looks down at her. In this moment, Y/N feels butterflies in her stomach. She's waited so long to be with Loki again. She just wants everything to be amazing.

Loki: I love you Y/N.

Y/N: Never leave me again.

I won't. You're mine forever.

Y/N: Loki, I love you.

Y/N and Loki lock eyes with each other. It feels good to be alone. Really alone. The love they have for each other is overwhelming. Their tension is radiating off both their bodies. They can finally touch and kiss each other again. Loki leans down and starts to kiss Y/N. Loki picks up Y/N gently and flips her around on his bed so Y/N's head is on a pillow. Y/N then starts to undress Loki, starting with his upper half. They continue to kiss each other. Loki starts to travel down Y/N's body and kisses her everywhere. Loki then starts to remove her dress.

Meanwhile; Thor, Jane, Selvig, and Darcy have been fighting the Dark Elves all day with the devices Jane and Selvig made the night before. It took them a few hours to make the devices. Once they were made, they went to the Dark Elves to get rid of them. They made most of the Dark Elves disappear with the devices. But the leader of the Dark Elves is putting up and good fight and is still in Greenwich.

Jane: Thor!

Thor watches the leader of the Dark Elves from a far. The last Dark Elf on earth. Thor knows they can get rid of him. Once they do this, Earth will be safe. Erik and Jane run to Thor. They only have one device left to use.

Thor: There's only one device left?

Selvig: yes.

Jane: One is all we need to finish this.

Selvig: We just need to be close enough for this to work.

Thor: I can get close.

Jane: Thor, are you sure?

Thor: Yes.

Thor grabs the device from Selvig and starts running towards the leader of the Dark Elves. Selvig runs to get Darcy. Jane stays and watches Thor. The Dark Elf just needs to hold the device and then Jane can make him disappear. He can do this. Thor just needs to get close. Thor jumps and throws the device at the Dark Elf. The Dark Elf catches the device. Thor then uses his hammer and hits the Dark Elf into the ship. Once Thor hit the Dark Elf, he flung backwards. Jane then fires up the device. She makes the Dark Elf disappear instantly. All the Dark Elves are gone.

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