Part 18

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The next day, Thor is still in Vanaheim dealing with the invaders. He hopes that Loki's sentencing went well yesterday. He trusts that his father and Y/N handled everything correctly, the way he would have if he was there. Once Thor gets back from Vanaheim, he plans on seeing if he can make any progress with Y/N with their relationship. If nothing improves within a certain amount of time, Thor needs to discuss this with his father and mother. It might be best for them to be separated romantically but stay king and queen together. Thor just wants to be loved. He does hope everything can be fixed for Asgard and their children.

After the sentencing yesterday, Y/N went to Frigga to tell her about everything that happened and what Odin said to Loki. Then Y/N when straight to her room and stayed there for the rest of the day through the night. She laid in her bed the whole time thinking about the sentencing and how she wishes she could have said something to Loki. Y/N feels terrible. She cried for hours. She doesn't want Loki to be mad at her. She couldn't do anything in that moment as the Queen. But it was comforting to her that he wanted to speak with her which eased her mind.

When she woke up, she had a few things to take care of. She wanted to keep herself busy so she didn't think about Loki. After finishing everything, she went to her room to take a breather. She sat down for some time and started to think about Loki again. He's just as she remembers; Handsome and speaks his mind. Some things have changed about him but other things have stayed the same. Out of nowhere, her door swings open.

Guard: Your grace, sorry to bother you. Your son was by the Bifrost again.

Y/N: Modi. Again? Really?

Modi: I wanted to go to Vanaheim.

Y/N: what?

Modi: There are invaders, Mother. I've been training.

Y/N: We have talked about this. You aren't supposed to go to the Bifrost alone. You are too young to go fight anywhere.

Modi: I just wanted to help father.

Y/N: One day you will be able to help your father. When you are older. Come here. I love you.

Modi: I'm sorry for going to the Bifrost alone.

After a long day in Vanaheim with the invaders, everything fell into place. After fighting for a long time now, the Marauders surrendered. They knew they were no match for the Asgard warriors. All the Marauders were then chained up and were going to spend the rest of their days in the Asgard dungeon with Loki. It was time for Thor to go home.

Thor: Heimdall, when you're ready.

Meanwhile Loki is trying to keep himself busy in his cell. He is laying down on his bed. He can't stop thinking about Y/N. It's not the reunion Loki thought they would have but he hopes she will come visit him. He wishes he didn't go after her the way he did. He just wanted to get her attention. He's not mad at her. Loki just wants her to be his again.

Frigga: Loki.

Frigga wanted to make sure she saw Loki and told him about her sickness. She is dying and she didn't think it would be fair to keep this from him. Y/N told her what Odin said at the sentencing and also wanted to make sure he is okay.

Loki: Hello mother.

Frigga: I wanted to be your first visitor. Would you mind getting up and talk to me face to face?

Loki gets up from his bed to talk to his mother. He loves his mother. Y/N and Frigga are the only people in the world that he truly loves and cares about. He used to care for Thor but then once he was betrothed to Y/N everything changed. And now he's married to her. He still can't believe that after all this time. He does wish he succeeded all those years ago.

Frigga: I wish I came her with good news. I thought you should know that I've been sick for a few years now. It's getting worse darling. I don't know how much more time I have. But I wanted you to know that you are loved. You are a good person, you just need to realize that.

Loki walks closer to his mother. He never expected his mother to come to him and say she's dying. He is heartbroken. He tries to grab her hand but she isn't actually there talking to him. He was hoping she was but she was always amazing at magic. Frigga is communicating with Loki with an illusions of herself. Her illusion starts to disappear from Loki's cell after he tries to grab her hand.

Loki: I love you Mother.

That night, Thor is home from Vanaheim. He took care of a few things and then went to talk to Y/N. Thor wanted to tell her all about Vanaheim. As Thor is telling the story, Y/N zones out. In this moment, all she can think about is Loki. Knowing that he's alive and back in Asgard, has her going crazy. She needs to see him. She needs to talk to him. She needs to be with him again, whatever it takes.

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