Part 19

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The next day, Loki watches the Asgardian warriors bring in the Marauders from the battle of Vanaheim. They had their sentencing today and were now being brought to their cells. Thor was the one who oversaw their sentencing now thats he's back. Just like Loki, they will spend the rest of their days in the Asgard dungeons.

After doing a lot of thinking, Y/N decided that she needed to visit Loki today in the dungeons before royal meetings. She was extremely nervous but she knew this needed to happen. On her way down to the dungeon, she was trying to plan what she wanted to say to Loki. There are so many things she wants to say. She's so happy he's alive, but she's upset and mad that he spent thirteen years pretending to be dead.

Y/N is still trying to get used to the fact that Loki is still alive. This changes everything for her. She was no longer a teenager. She's an adult. She makes her own decisions now. No one can stop her. She's done everything she was supposed to all these years. All those feelings from thirteen years ago, never went away. She wants Loki to know that; to know that he is still loved by her. Nothing could ever change that and nothing has changed that.

Y/N: Loki.

Loki immediately turns around after hearing Y/N's voice. He is so relived that she has come to see him. He wasn't expecting her this soon. He's dreamt about reuniting with Y/N for thirteen years and now it is finally happening.

Y/N: It's good to see you. I've missed you.

Loki: Hello darling. I was wondering if you were going to visit me.

Y/N: I needed to make sure you were okay. Your sentencing got out of hand the other day.

Loki: you're wearing green. I always said it would amazing on you. I'm glad you listened.

Y/N: I started wearing green after you died. How could you fake your death for thirteen years? You left me...

Loki: I left you. You're the one who was going to marry my brother. Who is married to my brother. I only wanted to send Thor to Jotunheim, so we can be together. I did that for us and ended up being transported far far away from Asgard.

Y/N: I would have went anywhere with you. I just wanted you.

Loki: And yet here we are. You're married to Thor. With how many heirs?

Y/N: We have three children together.

Loki: Isn't that wonderful. You and Thor. I knew you would eventually fall in love with Thor. I've thought about you everyday for thirteen years. The thought of you being with my brother just makes me crazy. Are you happy?

Y/N: I'm not actually. I don't love Thor. I love you. I always have. I have to run to a few Royal meetings. We'll have to continue this conversation another day.

Loki: I love you.

Y/N: I will come visit again as soon as I can. Okay?

Loki: Okay, my beautiful lady.

Y/N starts to walk away and smiles at Loki. It is a relief to hear him say he loves her again. She's happy she went to see him. The conversation went as expected. It went well but it could have gone better. It seems that they both need to get used to each other again. Loki and Y/N need to get to know each other again. They both have changed over the years in different ways. But what stayed the same was their love for each other.

Y/N wishes she could have stayed longer to talk but royal meetings are important and if she misses it someone will start asking questions. Going to talk to Loki in secret made her feel like a teenager again. It reminds her of their relationship in the first place. Sneaking around with each other always added something special and mischievous to their relationship. Their forbidden love was back. Y/N can't wait to see Loki again.

But she can't help but feel guilty. She promised Thor she would try with him again. Y/N just can't do that anymore. She wants to be happy. Loki makes her happy. When she saw Loki again it's like a weight lifted off her chest. Thor deserves someone who loves him the way she loves Loki. But how can she do this to him? How can she do this to her children? Y/N isn't torn with this decision at all but it is going to hurt so many people when or once it gets out.

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