Part 40

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One month later, Thor decides to finally bring Jane to Asgard. Thor went to earth to grab Jane so they can go through the Bi-frost together. Before they went through the Bi-frost, Thor made sure Jane was prepared for the Bi-frost transportation and ready to visit Asgard for the week. After that Jane wrapped her arms around Thor, Thor grabbed Jane with one arm, and then Thor called for Heimdall to summon the Bi-frost. Thor and Jane travel through the Bifrost and enter Asgard where Heimdall is guarding as always. Jane looks around her in amazement.

Jane: We have to do that again.

Heimdall: Jane Foster.

Jane: Hi.

Heimdall: Welcome to Asgard.

Thor: Come with me, lets get you settled in.

Jane: Okay!

The children have been through a lot of changes within these past few months. They lost their grandmother. Their grandfather went off world. Modi lost his eye. Y/N and Thor separated from their marriage and are seeing different people. Y/N doesn't want to keep adding to this list of changes but she knows she needs to tell the children she's pregnant soon. She's thinking one she hits eighteen weeks and knows the gender, her and Loki will tell everyone they are expecting.

Loki meeting Thor and Y/N's children a month ago went really well. After that dinner, Y/N didn't need to hide Loki anymore. Now that the children know about them, they have been freely walking around the castle together holding hands and doing things around Asgard. Everything has been easier. Y/N was always worried about running into her children before they knew. She's happy they know and can see how happy she is with Loki. Loki has got to know the children better over the month and has spent a lot of time with them. Loki has spent the most time with Modi. Y/N loves to see this side of Loki. She knows he'll be a great father to their child.

A few days after that dinner where Loki met the children, Thor decided that Loki didn't need to wear the chains anymore. Loki proved himself to Thor. Thor told Loki that he no longer needed to follow the rules that were set for him and that guards will no longer need to follow him everywhere. He is free to do as he wishes. Loki has been chain free for a month now.

While Thor is bringing Jane to Asgard from Earth, Y/N and Loki are spending time with the children. Y/N and Loki are watching Magni's and Modi's training outside in the courtyard. Thena is playing with some rocks near Y/N and Loki. After the training, they are going to eat dinner together.

Loki: How do you feel about me helping with training?

Y/N: You want train Magni and Modi?

Loki: Yes.

Y/N: I don't see a problem with that. They'll like that. Especially Modi.

After settling Jane in and letting her change into some Asgard appropriate clothes, Thor takes Jane for a walk around the castle. This is her first time here so Thor wanted to show Jane everything. It feels good to have Jane here on Asgard.

Jane: Asgard is as beautiful as I imagined it to be. I'm so happy I can be here with you for some time.

Thor: I'm happy you are here too. Showing you my home means so much to me.

Jane: Am I going to meet your children this week? I know we talked about it but you never said if it was going to be this week.

Thor: I talked to Queen Y/N and she said she'd be happy for you to meet the children. But she wants to meet you before they do. She would like to meet you tomorrow afternoon.

Jane: Okay? Why?

Thor: Don't be nervous. Y/N is great. She just wants to meet you. Y/N is very overprotective when it comes to our children.

Jane: Understandable.

Thor: Y/N will love you. I know it. After you meet with Y/N, we'll plan a day for you to meet the children.

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