Part 43

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Three weeks have passed since Y/N's miscarriage. Loki and Y/N have been dealing with it in different ways. Y/N has barely left her room since burying her daughter in the Sept with Loki. She's either been laying in her bed or sitting in front of the fireplace in her room. Loosing Hela broke her. She doesn't know how to move on past this at the moment. The labor was hard. She's also been healing her body during this time. All she can think about is how before she found out she was pregnant, she never thought about having more children. But now after being pregnant and loosing Hela, she wants a baby. She just needs to get Loki on board.

Thor came to check on Y/N a few times. Y/N hasn't really talked to anyone since besides her handmaiden, her children, and Thor. Since Y/N hasn't left her room, Thor has been taking care of everything relating to Asgard like going to all the meetings, taking care of the children, etc. Loki has also been helping Thor to take his mind off everything. Thor hasn't left Asgard to see Jane since Y/N had the miscarriage. Thor wanted to give Y/N time to heal and didn't think it would be right to leave Asgard during this time.

Magni, Thena, and Modi have been worried about their mother. Y/N lets her children come into her room and spend time with her an hour everyday. Spending time with her children makes her think about Hela though which makes her extremely sad. Y/N didn't tell the children about the miscarriage but they obviously know something is wrong with their mother. Magni tried to ask Thor about it but Thor just told him not to worry. Modi tried to talk to Loki about it too but Loki just tried to avoid the question.

Loki has been trying to keep himself busy over the past few weeks and not think about Y/N's miscarriage and how he lost his only child that was his. Loki has been spending a lot of time with Thor which has really good for him. Thor can see how much Loki is hurting but doesn't want to pressure him to talk about it. Thor knows Loki is someone who really doesn't like to show his feelings or talk about his feelings. The only person Loki is comfortable enough with to show and talk about his feelings with Y/N.

Loki and Y/N's relationship has been a little strained. Over these past few weeks, they haven't spoke at all. Not speaking with Y/N has been really hard for Loki. Y/N has completely froze Loki out these past three weeks. The way he acted the day of the miscarriage really upset Y/N. She just wanted him there with her. That's all. That whole week after the miscarriage, Loki tried to visit Y/N and talk to her but she wouldn't say anything. After that, Loki gave Y/N space for two weeks. But now he knows he needs to speak with her. He misses her. Hopefully things can go back to normal soon.

Loki stands outside Y/N's door for awhile trying to get his thoughts together. Eventually, he knocks on the door and Y/N tells whoever is at the door to come in. Loki walks into Y/N's chambers. Y/N is standing in front of her fireplace. Loki walks and stands right in front of a window in her chambers. He looks out the window. Then finally he decides to say something to Y/N.

Loki: Y/N, I think its time for us to talk. Don't you think?

Y/N: We should. Yes.

Loki: Darling, I miss you.

Y/N: I miss you too, Loki. But my heart is broken. I needed you. The one person I wanted, who I needed by my side was you. And you weren't there. She was our baby, our child. You were a coward Loki. I just don't get it. I felt so alone. All I wanted was for you to hold my hand. And you were no where to be found.

Loki: I'm sorry I let you down. I could see how much pain you were in. I just couldn't sit there and watch that happen.

Y/N: I understand.

Loki: I should have been there with you. Can you forgive me, darling? I want to get back to how things were. We were so happy. I know a lot has changed for us but we've been through so much already. I think we can get past this.

Y/N: Of course I can forgive you. I'm sorry I've been so distant. I just don't think its possible for us to get back to how things were. We lost our child. I feel so empty Loki. A piece of me, of us is gone.

Loki: Do you truly believe that its not possible?

Y/N: I'm not sure.

Loki: Oh come on my love, you know we can.

Y/N: We'll just take it day by day. Okay? I've been healing alone but I need you. You're the only person who knows what I'm going through.

Loki: These past few weeks have been hard for the both of us. I'm here now. We can get through this together.

Y/N: Has it been hard for you? Honestly you seem fine. Why am I the only one who is heartbroken?

Loki: Y/N. Of course it has. You know I'm not one to show when I'm hurting.

Y/N: I'm sorry. I should have never said that. Of course its been hard for you. Of course you are hurting also. Hela was our child. Me and you lost a daughter; Our own flesh and blood. I'm just so sad. I'm not thinking clearly right now.

Loki: It's okay Y/N. You don't need to apologize. I understand.

Y/N: Oh how I've missed talking to you. You just get me.

Loki: Magni, Thena, and Modi have been worried about you. They know something happen. I think we should sit them down and tell them what happened.

Y/N: Okay I agree with you, lets tell them tonight. It's going to be hard but it's time to just let it out. I did promise myself that I would not to hide anything from them anymore.

Loki: I'll be with you the whole time. Should I go get them now?

Y/N: Wait. I need to say something.

Loki: What's up?

Y/N: I want to get pregnant again as soon as I can.

Loki: Darling.

Y/N: Once I'm done healing from the labor, I want to start trying.

Loki: Alright. I'm in. Let's have a baby.

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