Part 44

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Three more weeks have gone by. Y/N talked her children about how she was pregnant and then lost the baby. Loki was right there to hold Y/N's hand as she told the children. Magni understood right away. For Thena and Modi, it took some time for them to understand everything. The children almost had another sibling, it was a lot for them to process but in the end, the children felt for their mother and understand why she has been so distant. Y/N thinks about her and Loki's miscarriage everyday. Together Loki and Y/N been visiting Hela's burial in the Sept as much as they can.

Y/N is finally healed from her labor six weeks ago. Y/N has gotten out of her room more and has been trying to get back into her royal duties as queen over these weeks. Y/N knew she couldn't stay in her room anymore. She was hiding from everything and everyone. It was time to get back out there. She needed to do this for her children, for Thor, for Loki, and for Asgard. It's hard but she's trying to get through it. Loki has been there every step of the way to help Y/N through this as well as her children.

Over the past three weeks, Loki and Y/N continued to talk everything out to try to get back to how things were. Loki and Y/N's relationship has gotten significantly better but they are still working on it. The spark between them is back. As soon as the Maesters told Y/N she was finally healed from the labor, Loki and Y/N started trying for a baby. Being intimate again with each other has definitely brought them closer to where they were before. Y/N is determined to get pregnant again. Loki just wants Y/N to be happy and if a baby will do it then Loki is happy to give her one. Plus Loki doesn't mind trying every day for one anyway.

Once Y/N started coming out of her room more, Thor started to visit Jane again on earth. He missed Jane but knew it wasn't right to leave Y/N until she was doing better. Thor explained to Jane why he couldn't leave Asgard for so long and she understood immediately. Thor went to visit Jane for five days this week.

Thor is just coming back through the Bifrost from visiting Jane on Earth. Thor starts walking towards the castle to go see his children but Heimdall stops him before he leaves the Bifrost area. He needs to talk to Thor about his father.

Heimdall: King Thor.

Thor: Heimdall.

Heimall: I need to talk to you about your father.

Thor: Okay. What about my father? Is everything okay?

Heimdall: He has requested that you and your brother meet him in Norway where he has been on earth for the last few months. Tomorrow morning preferably. Odin would like to talk to you and Loki.

Thor: Loki too?

Heimdall: Yes.

Thor: Alright. There's a few things I need to take care of so tomorrow morning seems reasonable.

Heimdall: I know you just got back from Earth. But your father said it was important.

Thor: It's all good Heimdall. I'm going to go find and talk to my brother right now to tell him about this. We will be here in the morning to take the Bifrost to Norway. Thank you for letting me know.

Heimdall: Of course my King.

Thor immediately goes to find Loki. Loki is outside the castle when Thor finds him.

Loki: Brother, you're back. How was earth?

Thor: It was good.

Loki: Everything has been fine on Asgard while you were away.

Thor: Loki, Father wants us to visit him on Earth. I was told he wants to talk to the both of us. Tomorrow morning we will go. This is important.

Loki: He wants both of us to go?

Thor: That's what I was told. I know you haven't seen father since the sentencing but a lot has changed since then. You have changed, he should get to see that.

Loki: Alright I'll go. Let me talk to Y/N about this tonight. I'll let her know we have to go to Earth tomorrow morning to see Father. I don't know why he wants me there. You don't know why he wants us there?

Thor: I'm not sure either but that would be great if you could talk to Y/N. I'm going to spend this evening with the children after I go over things I missed in the meetings.

Loki: I'll see you in the morning.

That evening, Loki goes to talk to Y/N about how he has to go to Norway tomorrow to see his father. She is in her chambers. As soon as he walks into her chambers, Loki tells Y/N about his conversation with Thor and how they both need to leave Asgard tomorrow to go to Earth.

Y/N: You're going to earth?

Loki: Odin wants to talk to Thor and I. It will only be for the day. Okay darling?

Y/N: Okay. Do you know why he wants you to go to earth? Why doesn't he just come back to Asgard?

Loki: I'm not sure why, but Thor said it was important. I have to go. At least for Thor.

Y/N: Yes, you have to go. This will be good for you. Go for yourself my love. Make amends with your father.

Loki: I will let you know how it goes.

The next morning, Loki and Thor head to Norway to see there father through the Bifrost. The Bifrost takes Thor and Loki to an open grass field. In the distance, they see their father. They walk towards him.

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