Part 17

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The next day was Loki's sentencing. The guards were sent to get him and bring him to the throne room. Before the sentencing, Odin and Y/N had a conversation. Y/N made sure that Odin was going to sentence Loki to life in the dungeons instead of death. Odin agreed. Then Odin explained what Loki was being charged with; Treason, Murder, etc. Y/N just took everything in. Y/N was shocked that Loki could take another persons life. Hearing Loki's charges was surreal for Y/N. Y/N and Odin agreed that it would be better for only Odin to talk during the sentencing. Y/N was just going to stand there and observe everything. She was extremely nervous to see Loki face to face after hearing everything. Odin didn't sugarcoat anything.

It was time for the sentencing to start. The guards started walking Loki down the throne room hall. Loki was completely chained up from head to toe which Y/N thought was ridiculous. She knows Loki has done unspeakable things but in her heart she knew Loki wouldn't hurt anyone in Asgard. Loki has changed but Y/N still hopes the Loki she knew was still in there. Y/N watches him walk down the hall. She still can't believe he's alive. He's here, in front of her. But as he gets closer and closer to her, she just doesn't think she can even look him in the eye right now.

At the same time, Y/N was being told about Loki's sentencing from Thor, Odin was telling Frigga about Loki. Frigga was so happy to hear that her son was alive after all these years. All of her family is under the same roof again. It's all she ever wanted. Frigga is relived to have Loki back in Asgard. It's only a matter of time till her sickness takes her life.

Frigga: Loki.

Loki: Hello Mother. Have I made you proud?

Frigga: Please don't make this worse.

Loki: Define worse.

Odin: Enough. I will talk to the prisoner now.

Frigga then leaves the room. Frigga knows Odin is mad at Loki and barely considers him a son anymore but she hopes one day he can forgive Loki. Frigga knows Loki has done terrible things but he is still their son. Odin is ready to sentence Loki. Y/N just keeps looking down.

Loki looks right at Y/N and starts to smile at her. Y/N was no longer young but she was still the most beautiful women he has ever seen. It took him a second to realize that it was Y/N because he hasn't seen her in thirteen years but it was her. The love of his life. Right in front of him. But she won't look at him. Why? At this moment, Loki decided that he was going to get her to look at him.

Odin: Over the thirteen years we thought you were dead, you have committed many crimes. Wherever you go there is war, ruin and death.

Loki: Why don't we let Y/N talk to me instead? It's not that I don't love our little talks, it's just I don't love them. Hi Y/N.

Hearing Loki say her name was refreshing. Y/N looks up at Loki for a second. Loki and Y/N locks eyes. Loki can tell that Y/N has been through a lot. Her eyes always told a story. He can tell Y/N is upset. He can only sympathize with her. It must have been a shock to hear that he was back in Asgard and was alive.

Odin: You will respect the Queen by referring to her as Queen Y/N or your grace.

Loki: Will you talk to me instead your grace?

Odin: The Queen is not here to speak to you and will not speak to you. It is time for you to hear your sentencing.

Y/N turns her body sideways. She is no longer facing Loki. Y/N looks up at Odin and waits for him to tell Loki that he will be sentenced to the dungeons for the rest of his life. She just doesn't have the heart to look at Loki when he hears his sentencing.

Odin: You will spend the rest of your days in the dungeons. The King and the Queen are the only reason you are alive. Do you understand that?

Loki: Is that it then?

Odin: If it were up to me, you would be sentenced to death. But I made an agreement with the Queen and King and I will obey their orders.

Y/N thought Odin was a tad bit harsh by saying that. She knows Loki committed treason and killed people but there's no reason for Odin to say he wants Loki dead. Loki does not deserve death.

Odin: Guards take him away.

The guards start to pull Loki's chains. He can't believe his father just said that to him. But he also can't believe that Y/N is just standing there listening to Odin say all of this to him. Loki expected to hear Y/N's voice at least once today. But she was totally silent the whole time.

Loki: Y/N, say something at least. You're just going to stand there and let him speak to me like this? Look at me.

Odin: This disrespectful nonsense stops now. Leave the Queen alone. Guards away with him. Now.

As Loki is being dragged away he just stares at Y/N. Loki just wants Y/N to speak to him. He's missed her everyday for thirteen years. And now they are back under the same roof. Loki needs her. Tears are in his eyes. Y/N doesn't move. This was a lot for her. She loves Loki. But as the Queen she needs to act a certain way. She wants to cry her eyes out but she needs to stay poised until Loki is brought out and the sentencing is complete.

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