Part 22

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A week goes by. A lot has happened. Y/N has visited Loki and they continued their conversation. Loki was extremely happy that Y/N came to visit again. Y/N was nervous to visit Loki again after her and Frigga's conversation but Y/N couldn't stay away. She needed to see him again. Y/N didn't tell Loki about her conversation with Frigga. She just didn't think it was necessary for him to know.

Y/N just wanted continue where they left off. Y/N explained the nature of her and Thor's relationship. She explained how she just did as she was told for thirteen years as a wife and the queen. Also she wanted Loki to know that her and Thor admire each other and care for each other but are not in love with each other. She wanted Loki to understand everything. Loki took everything in and was sort of relived that her and Thor weren't in love with each other. But as Y/N was telling Loki about her life for the past thirteen years, Loki just felt bad for Y/N. She deserved better all these years. He wishes he was there for her.

Thor finally talked to his father about Y/N and how he wanted to separate from Y/N. Thor wanted to get his father's approval. He just wants to make his father proud and wants to take his advice since he was the King of Asgard before him. Odin listened and tried to understand where Thor was coming from but in the end Odin urged Thor to figure it out with Y/N. Its' custom for the King and Queen of Asgard to be together, married. Thor made an agreement with his father that he would try one more time with Y/N but if it doesn't work out again he can officially separate from Y/N.

It is a typical night in Asgard. Thor and Odin were walking about the castle talking. They wanted to see if Frigga wanted to join them on their walk if she wasn't sleeping already so they went to her and Odin's chambers. Thor and Odin find Frigga collapsed unconscious on the floor. They ran to her to make sure she was okay. Odin bent down to check on her. Odin then realized she wasn't breathing and her heart was not beating anymore. Frigga has passed away. Odin holds her in his arms. Thor freezes in the moment. He watches his father hug his mother.

Y/N went to bed early that night. She was absolutely exhausted and needed to catch up on sleep. Y/N was peacefully sleeping when her handmaiden came into the room and woke her up. The news of Frigga's death was about to spread so Y/N's handmaiden was sent to tell her the news. Her handmaiden taps Y/N on the arm repeatedly until she wakes her up. Y/N wakes up and sits up in her bed. Her handmaiden walks to the end of Y/N's bed and looks at her.

Y/N's handmaiden: Your grace, sorry to wake you. I have been informed that Frigga has passed away.

Y/N: Are you sure?

Y/N's handmaiden: Yes your grace.

Y/N: Okay. I need to see Thor and Odin. There's lots to do. Please send a guard to the dungeon to let Loki know.

Loki couldn't sleep so he decided to read one of the books Frigga sent down to the dungeon for him. Frigga wanted Loki to keep himself busy while being stuck in the dungeons. While he was reading, a guard comes right in front of his cell to tell him about his mother.

Guard: Loki. I was sent by the Queen to inform you that your mother passed away tonight. I'm sorry.

Loki nods to the guard, puts his book down, and gets up from his chair. His mother is dead. The women who shared her magic with him so he would feel special and not be left out is dead. The women who taught him magic is dead. His mother, one of two people he actually cares about, is dead. He can feel himself about to loose it.

He walks away from his chair and ends up launching his belongings across the room by just closing his fist. Frigga's death is a trigger for him. Loki knows he's not allowed to go to the funeral. Everyone knows how much Frigga had meant to him but that doesn't matter. He must stay in the dungeon.

The next night is Frigga's funeral. They spent the entire night and day planning the funeral for Frigga. Thor is absolutely devastated. He completely shut down. Y/N told their children the news when they all woke up. Each of the children reacted in a different way. Magni walked away, Modi just stared at his mother with a blank face, and Thena started crying. Thor didn't know how to handle everything so he let Odin and Y/N do most of the funeral planning. Y/N wanted it to be perfect and a beautiful ceremony. Y/N and Thor decided it would also be best for Odin to take the lead at the funeral.

Frigga was an amazing mother figure for Y/N. Y/N's mother passed away when she was a child so Frigga took on that role once she was betrothed to Thor. Y/N looked up to Frigga. Frigga was the one who taught her how to be an amazing queen. Frigga was an amazing person. Y/N hid so much over the thirteen years and yet Frigga still loved her and wanted her to be happy. She wanted the best for everyone.

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