Part 36

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After Thor's and Y/N's big blow up in front of everyone, Thor walked out of the room while Y/N stayed with their children. Y/N requested that the guards and the maesters leave the room as well so she can talk to her children. Y/N apologized to Modi, Thena, and Magni for yelling in front of them. She reassured them that everything is fine. Y/N doesn't want them to worry about anything. Y/N apologized to Magni for hitting him in the face as well. Y/N was just so sad and upset for Modi that she wasn't thinking in the moment.

Y/N is very upset with the way Thor talked to her in front of their children. Y/N has always done what she is told to do and is an amazing queen. How dare Thor question that; Especially in front of people. She knows Thor was just upset about Modi's eye but he didn't need to take out his frustrations on her. Y/N knows she was also in the wrong too. She shouldn't have yelled at Thor. Thor pushed her buttons to the max.

The next day, Thor goes to find Y/N to talk to her. After the big blow up yesterday, Thor felt like he needed to talk to Y/N and apologize for what he said. Thor was pretty mad yesterday when he found out that Y/N disappeared for a full day. Thor knows she was spending time with Loki, there's no way she wasn't. Which is fine that she spends time with him but she was in charge of Asgard as a whole, she can't just disappear.

Thor also wants to talk to Y/N about him going back to earth. It's bad timing with everything going on but Thor promised Jane he would come back to Earth soon. Thor wants to go back to earth as soon as he can. He wants to see if him and Jane can become something. He's not ready to share anything regarding Jane to Y/N just yet until it serious.

Thor: Hey. What are you doing?

Y/N: Just looking over the new finalized laws.

Thor: Can we talk?

Y/N: Yes of course Thor.

Thor: I'm sorry for what I said to you yesterday. I didn't mean anything. I just wish you didn't disappear for a full day to hang out with Loki. I needed you to take care of everything while I was gone. You're the best queen anyone could ask for. I never meant to question anything.

Y/N: I apologize as well. I shouldn't have yelled at you. I'm sorry. I felt like you were blaming me for Modi loosing his eye. I was just so upset. I don't want you to ever question me again, okay? I didn't completely blow off an entire day. I spent most of that morning doing Asgard stuff before letting Loki out of his cell.

Thor: I get it Y/N. What I said was out of line especially in front of the children. I was upset too. I feel terrible for Modi. But I'm happy he's alive and will heal eventually. Things could have been so much worse.

Y/N: I know it could been. I'm thankful he's going to be okay. I can't loose any of my babies.

Thor: I do hope the last few day have been going well with Loki. I do support you in everything regardless of what was said yesterday.

Y/N: Everything is great. Thank you for that. I appreciate it. Yesterday you walked off to Loki to talk to him. How did that go?

Thor: I was just about to talk to him when the guards came up to me to tell me about Modi. I'll talk to him soon though. I want to explain the rules further and tell Loki the reasoning behind the rules. Maybe we can get back to being close too.

Y/N: I'm sure Loki would like that too. He'll never admit it though. I did tell Loki about how he needs to wear the chains and guards need to follow him everywhere. I didn't mention how we didn't want him to meet the children until me and you were ready. Would you mind if I told him if or when he asks?

Thor: That's fine with me. I won't mention anything about them when I speak with my brother. I do have one more thing to talk to you about.

Y/N: Thank you. I appreciate that. And okay. Is everything alright? What do you need to talk to me about?

Thor: I plan on going back to Earth soon. I made a promise and I want to keep it. It will only be for a few days. When I go back to Earth, I'll need you to keep doing what your doing. You will be in charge of everything in Asgard again. I know this is a lot of me to ask when I just got back but I know you can handle this. I was thinking Magni can start helping out more too.

Y/N: When are you leaving?

Thor: In four days. Gives me enough time to go to a few royal meetings, spend time with the children, and talk to Loki.

Y/N: Very well. You do what you need to do. I will bring Magni along with me to some meetings and give him more responsibility. He's our future King, it's time for him to learn a whole lot more. We'll have another chat once you get back from Midgard.

Over the four days before returning to Earth, Thor was able to have the conversation with his brother. The conversation went really well. Better then Thor expected. At first, the conversation had a lot of sarcasm coming from Loki's end But eventually the conversation went inn the right direction. Thor and Loki had a deep conversation about everything. Loki understood where Thor was coming from and appreciated his brother for letting him out of his cell. Loki told Thor that he will obey any rule if it means he can be with Y/N. It was nice to see this side of Loki again. Thor hopes him and his brother can be friends again.

Thor also gave Y/N a break during the four days. There has been a lot of pressure on Y/N lately. Thor feels terrible that he is leaving again and letting everything fall onto Y/N's shoulders. Over those four days, Y/N spent time with her children but also a lot time with Loki. Y/N needed this break. It gave her time to regroup. Things with Loki are going so well but Y/N is scared of people finding out about them; especially her children. Y/N wants to introduce Loki to her children when the time is right. Right now is definitely not a good time.

Magni, Thena, and Modi were upset to hear that their father is going off world again. When Thor wasn't in a royal meeting or taking care of Asgard related stuff, he spent time with the children. He loves his children and wishes he spent more time with them. When he gets back from Earth, Thor wants to rebuild his relationships. In some ways, he feels like he's failing as a father and as a king. But Thor wants to follow his heart right now. He needs to do this.

Thor then returned to Earth just like he promised. Heimdall sent Thor straight to Jane's apartment. Her face lit up when she saw Thor on her outside balcony. Jane ran outside to him. Thor walked towards Jane, grabbed her face, and kissed her instantly.

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