Part 24

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A few days later, Y/N gets herself ready for the day. She's been visiting Loki everyday to make sure he is doing okay. This seems to be helping him but is also helping her as well. Even if it's a quick visit, they both are enjoying seeing each other daily. After changing into her dress in her bathroom, she comes out to her room. Her handmaiden has set up breakfast for her.

Y/N's Handmaiden: Your grace. Breakfast is all set up as you requested. Your children have all eaten. Magni and Modi are at training and Thena is in her elective. Anything else I can do for you, your grace?

Y/N has been trying to keep herself and her children busy since Frigga's death and funeral. Frigga was the first person they have loss in their life. They all had a different relationship with Frigga but they loved their grandmother. Thena is definitely hit harder by the death than Magni and Modi.

Y/N: That will be all. Thank you for letting me know and for everything you have done. You may go.

Y/N sits down at the table where her breakfast is. Her handmaiden walks out of her room. Y/N is burnt out but she knows she has so many duties as Queen that are nonstop. There's just so much to take care of. Also for a few days now, Y/N has been thinking of ways to get Loki out of his cell in the dungeon. She made a promise to him and she cannot break it. In the back of her mind, she also knows she needs to talk to Thor. A promise she made to Frigga. Y/N has no intention in breaking that promise too but Y/N doesn't know how to bring that conversation up now since everyone is still mourning.

Meanwhile, Thor is walking about the castle making sure he completes his daily tasks. For a week, Thor shut down. He just didn't know how to handle the loss of his mother. But he knew, as King, that he needed to start taking care of stuff again. He needs to push through the pain and get stuff done. Odin shut down completely and has been in his room since Frigga's funeral. He is not doing well. He had not attended his training duties, has not been to any royal meetings, etc. As Thor is walking, a guard, from the The Einherjar, walks up right next to him. The guard has to discuss something with him.

Guard: Your Majesty.

Thor: Is something wrong?

Guard: No your Majesty. Something has come to my attention and I wanted to ask you about it.

Thor: Go on.

Guard: Your wife, the queen, has been going to the dungeon for a few days in a row now. I've heard she's been down there a couple times in the past couple weeks also. Is there something we need to know about?

Thor: The dungeon? Not that I know of. What is she doing in the dungeon?

Guard: I'm not sure, your Majesty. Every time she goes down there, she gives us guards a break from duty. But apologies if I interrupted anything for nothing, your Majesty. Have a good day.

The guard walks away from Thor and Thor continues to walk through the castle. What was Y/N up too? Why was she going to the dungeon. He decided to stop what he was doing and just go see what Y/N was up too. He wanted to see what exactly the guard was talking about. So Thor decided that he was going to follow Y/N loosely for the rest of the day and see if she's really spending time in the dungeon.

Over the past few days, Loki got his cell together and fixed everything up. Talking to Y/N and letting out all his feelings, made him realize that he can't change what happened and that he just needs to keep living his life in this cell for now. It is what his mother would want. Loki decided to read one of the books that his mother sent down when he first got sentenced to the dungeon. It makes him feel close to her. He misses his mother terribly. Y/N does eventually go to visit Loki in the dungeon.

Y/N: Loki.

Thor: Loki?

Y/N: How are you today?

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