Part 46

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After loosing his father and talking to Jane about everything, Thor decided he needed to take a break from Asgard and his king duties. Asgard just didn't feel like home anymore. Thor thought that time away from Asgard would be good for him. Taking time away from Asgard means time away from his children. He hates to leave them for so long but this is something he needs to do. Thor wants to spend time on each of the realms, he wants to spend time on Earth with Jane, and he wants to help out the Avengers as much as he can when he is needed.

A few days after Odin's passing, Thor came home to Asgard to talk to Y/N about how he was feeling and how he needed a break. As soon as he got back to Asgard, he found Y/N. Y/N hugged Thor and told him that her and Loki told the children about Odin's passing so he didn't have to worry about it. Thor then asked Y/N to clear anything she had for today so they can talk in one of their chambers. Y/N agreed and did as Thor asked.

After hours of talking in Thor's chamber, Y/N and Thor decided on a lot. Y/N, of course, was annoyed at first that Thor wanted to just disappear for however long he wanted to; leaving her with all the royal duties of both King and Queen. But she did understand where he was coming from and she wanted to try to compromise with him. Y/N shared all of her concerns about him leaving. They talked and talked. Thor and Y/N came up with an agreement. Loki would step in as interim King while he was gone. Thor would be able to be off Asgard for up to a year but once it hits a year he needs to come home and resume his duties as King.

Before Thor left Asgard, he spent extensive time with his children. Y/N needed Thor to tell them about how he was leaving for some time himself. Magni, Modi, and Thena all asked for their father to stay but he told them as much as he wants to stay for them, he needs to do this for himself. He asked Magni to continue going to royal meetings and while Loki is interim King to be at his side whenever decisions need to be decided. Thor wants Magni to have a voice. Thor asked Modi to watch over his mother and keep up with his training. Modi has the possibility to be an amazing warrior once he is older if he continues his training. And lastly Thor asked Thena to keep up with her studies and help Y/N with some queen duties as well.

A month after Odin's death and Thor left, Y/N found out she was pregnant again with Loki's baby. This was the best news Y/N could ask for. She needed this. All she wanted since her and Loki lost Hela, was to get pregnant again and now it finally happened after trying and trying. As soon as she found out she was pregnant again, she ran to tell Loki. Loki was happy to have this chance again to become a father. He just hoped that this pregnancy was different from the last one and everything would work out for them.

And just like that, nine months has gone by since Y/N found out she was pregnant. Loki has been doing well as interim King. He didn't want to let Y/N down. Loki wanted to do as much as he could to make sure Y/N wasn't as stressed as she was last pregnancy. He didn't want Y/N to loose another baby. Loki stepped up as King but also as a second father to the children. Magni also stepped up tremendously and has been at Loki's side since his father left Asgard all those months ago. The last month of Y/N's pregnancy, Magni and Thena took over their mother's duties as queen until she gave birth to their new sibling.

Eventually Y/N gave birth to a beautiful baby boy. Loki and Y/N named him Vali. Everything has been great on Asgard for everyone. Y/N and Loki are beyond happy together with their new baby. The children have been doing amazing and are happy as well. They love their new sibling. Loki and Y/N are in Y/N's chambers when the door opens. Y/N's handmaiden is holding Vali at the moment. Y/N and Loki both turn towards the door. Thor walks in. He has returned to Asgard after ten months away.

Thor: Hope I'm not interrupting.

Y/N: Thor! You're back!

Thor: It was time to come home.

Y/N: You cut your hair! Wow.

Thor: Yes.

Y/N: It looks good!

Thor: I leave for ten months and you guys had a baby. Congratulations. I'm happy for you both.

Y/N: Thank you. Meet Vali Thor.

Thor: Brother, I appreciate you taking over as King. Seems like everything went well.

Loki: Of course. How was the last couple of months brother? You seem a lot better from the last time we saw you.

Thor: The last couple of months have been amazing. I spent time on each of the realms keeping the peace and making sure everything is good. How have the children been? I'm going to go see them after.

Y/N: They have been great. This whole month Magni and Thena took over my royal duties while I was waiting to give birth. Modi has been training twice a day with The Einherjar. He's gotten so much better with a sword.

Thor: I'm glad they all stepped up while I was gone. How have they been with the new baby? Their age gap is pretty significant.

Loki: They've been really good with him.

Y/N: They love him.

Y/N's handmaiden hands Y/N Vali. Y/N smiles down at him and walks towards the nanny. He's just so precious.

Thor: Good. I'm glad. It's good to see you so happy Y/N. You deserved this.

Loki: Do you and Jane plan on having children, Brother?

Thor: We do not.

Y/N hands Vali to the nanny.

Y/N: Will you put Vali down for his nap please?

The nanny: Of course your grace. Right away.

Y/N: Thank you so much. We appreciate it.

The nanny walks out with Vali.

Thor: I should go see the children. Do you know where they are?

Loki: They will be happy to see you.

Y/N: They should all be in their new elective learning about the royal responsibilities of the King and Queen here on Asgard.

Loki: We thought it would be good for them to learn about the duties through an elective.

Thor: That's great. Wish we had this when we were younger.

Loki: Definitely would have been helpful.

Thor: I'm going to go see the children. Lets all have dinner this evening.

Loki: We'll see you later.

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