Part 26

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The next evening is Thor and Y/N's planned dinner. Dinner is in Y/N's room this evening. When Y/N walks into her room for dinner, Thor is already there waiting for her. Y/N is a little late. The dinner is set but Thor is not sitting down at the table. He is standing up across the room. Y/N walks to her wine cabinet and starts to pour herself a glass of wine.

Thor: Y/N.

Y/N: I know I'm late. Let me just finish pouring my glass of wine and then we can start dinner. There's a lot to discuss regarding the Royal meeting yesterday.

Thor: right.

Y/N: Are you okay? You seem off.

Thor: I think we should just skip dinner and just talk.

Y/N: We've needed to talk for sometime now; Really talk. What's going through your head?

Thor: Awhile ago we talked about trying at our relationship again. But I feel as though, we both have not put any effort into making things better between us. I wanted nothing more to fix the relationship between us for our kids and for Asgard.

Y/N: I agree.

Thor: I don't think we can do anything more for our relationship. We are both not happy. Y/N. I think it's best that we part ways from our marriage.

Y/N: I also think it is what is best for us. Thor, I'm sorry that we could not make this work. I truly do appreciate our thirteen years together. You're a good man Thor. You deserve to be happy. I have been meaning to talk to you about something for some time now. I promised your mother I would talk to you and I need to keep that promise. It's about Loki.

Thor: I know you have been visiting him in the dungeon. A guard let me know yesterday about this. Forgive me but I followed you and saw it with my own eyes. I watched you both for a little while. Why are you visiting my brother? You don't know my brother like I do. I'm sure he isn't doing well with the news of my mother passing. But after everything he has done, you're visiting him? It does not make sense.

Y/N: I love him.

Thor: Excuse me? Did I hear you correctly? You're in love my brother?

Y/N: I am. Please let me explain.

Thor: So not only have you been hiding that you've been visiting him but you've also have been hiding a relationship with him? Is there anything else you've been hiding from me Y/N?

Y/N: Thor.

Thor: So there is.

Y/N: Thirteen years ago, before we were betrothed to each other, Loki and I were in a relationship. We were in love.

Thor: You and Loki? Why didn't you tell me?

Y/N: Everything got messy; me and you got betrothed and Loki died, well we all thought he did. I thought he was gone forever Thor. I was devastated but I knew I had responsibilities and duties as your wife and the queen. So I put everything into that. But now Loki is back, he's not dead, and I understand him. That's why I have been visiting him. I'm sorry I kept this from you.

Thor: Y/N. I wish you told me before now. We could have done things differently. We can't keep secrets from each other. You're still my queen. Tell me everything. Please. Help me understand everything.

Y/N: I should have. I apologize for this. It has been weighing on me everyday for thirteen years. I'm happy to get this off my chest.

In this moment, all the stress of keeping this secret for this long disappeared. Thor was way more understanding then she thought he would be. At first, Thor was definitely mad and stunned but as Y/N explained herself he calmed down. Y/N told Thor everything. She didn't want to keep anything hidden anymore.

This was the most open conversation Thor and Y/N have had ever. This was need. In a weird way, this made them closer. Y/N lightly mentioned letting Loki out of his cell. Thor said he would think about it. Thor decided he would visit Loki, talk to him, and then decide if he should be let out or not.

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