Part 42

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A few after days after Jane and Y/N talked, Thor introduced Jane to their children at a dinner which included both Y/N and Loki as well. Y/N was a little nervous for Jane to meet the children but she knew Thor really wanted this and wanted to be fair to him. The dinner went well just like the dinner with Loki and the children really like Jane but Jane won't see the children as much as Loki since Jane lives on earth. But Jane wants to try to visit Asgard at least every two months.

Two months later. Y/N's pregnancy has had some ups and downs so far, but the Maesters said everything is going well. Over these months, Loki and Y/N have come up with two names depending on the gender of the baby. If the baby is a girl, she will be named Hela. If the baby is a boy, he will be named Vali. Y/N and Loki still have not told the children about the pregnancy. They did tell Thor though. Y/N thought he deserved to know.

Loki and Y/N just found out the gender of the baby. They are going to be having a baby girl. Y/N is beyond excited to have another precious baby girl. Having a baby with Loki is something she never thought she would have. Now that they finally know the gender, they can finally tell the children. Loki and Y/N will Hopefully they are excited to have another sibling.

A week after finding out the gender of the baby; Thor, Y/N, and Loki are in a meeting talking about the future of Asgard. They decided to make a ten year plan. Magni will be the next King of Asgard since he's the oldest of the children. Magni must be betrothed to whomever he wants before he becomes King. They decided in ten years it would be the perfect time for Magni to take the thrown. Modi and Thena have a little more freedom with there future. But Y/N and Thor hope within ten years they will be betrothed to someone or even married by then.

Thor: Once Magni's King, there won't be as many responsibilities for us.

Y/N: Oh.

Loki: Y/N?

Y/N: Loki. Somethings wrong.

Loki and Thor both turn their heads towards Y/N. Y/N looks up at Loki. Loki can see the fear in Y/N's eyes and face. Y/N feels blood drip down her leg followed by cramping and pain in her lower abdomen.

Thor: Loki, get the maesters. I'll stay here with Y/N.

Loki runs to get the maesters while Thor stays with Y/N. Y/N is frozen in place. Eventually Loki comes back with the maesters and they determine that Y/N is having a miscarriage. She needs to the deliver the baby now. Loki doesn't know what to do. He hates to see Y/N is pain. He just stands there watching Y/N with the maesters.

Y/N doesn't let herself break down. The maesters decide that they should bring Y/N to her chambers. The maesters try to get Loki's attention because they need his help moving her. Thor also tries to get Loki's attention but he is totally zoned out. So Thor decides to help. Thor picks up Y/N and brings her to her chambers. Loki stays where he is.

Once Thor gets Y/N to her chambers, Thor leaves immediately to go to Loki. Loki should be with Y/N. Thor was at each of his children's deliveries. Loki needs to be here even if it is a miscarriage. Thor needs to snap reality into Loki as fast as he can because this is happening now. But by the time he gets back to where their meeting was, Loki was gone from the room. Loki just needed to be alone to process what is happening.

Y/N is on her own with the maesters to deliver the baby. Everything happened so fast. One second everything was fine and now Y/N has lost her baby girl. The maesters took Y/N out of her green dress and put her in a birthing gown. The maesters walked Y/N around her room to push the labour forward. Blood was all over the gown at this point. Y/N is in so much pain.

Eventually it was time for Y/N to deliver the baby. Y/N pushed and pushed. Her and Loki's baby was finally born, her baby girl Hela. As soon as the baby is born, the maesters hand Y/N her baby. They give her some space and just watch her. Y/N holds Hela in her arms and rocks her back and forth. The maesters give Y/N sometime with Hela but then eventually take her. The maesters need Y/N to decide what happens next with her body. They give her the night to decide.

A few hours after Y/N gave birth, one of the maesters went to Thor to see if he knew where Loki was so they could tell him about the birth of his child. Thor told the maester that Loki was in the Sept. Thor found Loki an hour after the miscarriage started but Loki told Thor he couldn't be there to watch her go through this. Thor tried to convince him but he couldn't. So Thor went to spend time with the children and left Loki in the Sept.

The next day, Y/N has decided that she wants to bury her child in the Sept where her and Loki spent a lot of time when they were younger. The maesters bring both Y/N and Loki into one of the rooms specially used by the maesters and tenderly wrap their child in front of them, preparing her to be buried. Y/N has not said anything to Loki since before the miscarriage. Y/N is absolutely devastated that Loki wasn't there to be with her during this tough time.

A few of the maesters: We are very sorry for your loss your Grace, Prince Loki.

Loki: Y/N, will you say something?

Y/N does not even look at Loki. As soon as the maesters leave the room, she walks towards Hela who is wrapped perfectly and just looks at her. Loki just watches her. He doesn't know what to do in this moment. All of a sudden, Y/N breaks down for the first time since everything happened. All night she was just in shock. Y/N just sat in her room alone starring into space. But now, seeing her child dead in front of her, absolutely consumes her. Y/N is heartbroken.

As soon as Y/N started crying, Loki started to get teary-eyed. Loki tries his best not to cry right now though. He doesn't want Y/N to get even more upset. Loki is devastated for himself and Y/N. Y/N was so happy about the baby and they were just about to tell Magni, Thena, and Modi. This baby was bringing Y/N and Loki even closer. They were going to be a family of their own but that changed very fast.

Y/N, in time, pulls herself together. She just wants to get through today. It is time to bring Hela down to the Sept to be buried. Y/N picks her up and then walks down to the Sept. Loki follows Y/N down to the Sept.

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