Part 10

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A month has passed since Loki's death. The atmosphere in the castle has changed tremendously since Loki's death. Everyone is mourning Loki in different ways. Odin did not allow Frigga to have a funeral for Loki which fractured their relationship for the time being. Odin has been helping out Thor with being the new King. Frigga has been spending all her time preparing Y/N to be queen.

The wedding is getting closer and closer. Thor and Y/N have been spending zero time together. Loki's death affected them both in different ways which has created a wall between them. Thor lost his brother and best friend. He has had Loki by his side all his life and now he's gone. Thor has been trying to get used to that this past month with so many questions of that night. Y/N has been spending most of her time in her room besides wedding meetings and spending time with Frigga. Y/N has a hole in her heart that can never be replaced.

For the past month all Y/N has been thinking about is all the memories with Loki. With the wedding approaching quickly, there are many feasts and celebrations to go too. As she gets ready for one of the many feasts celebrating the upcoming wedding, she thinks about a specific memory with Loki. It was a few months into their relationship. Y/N always was wearing blue and Loki picked up on it.

Loki: I've noticed you are always wearing blue.

Y/N: it's a representation of my family.

Loki: You know, you would look ravishing, exquisite in the color green.

Y/N: I'll have to get a dress made.

Y/N had a green dress made but never got to show Loki or even wear it out. By the time she received the dress, she was betrothed to Thor. Y/N was then forced to wear Red to match Thor. She now had a ton of Red dresses. But tonight for the feast, she was finally going to wear her green dress; for Loki. To symbolize her love for him.

Y/N is late for the feast. Thor walked into the feast by himself. Thor was a little annoyed that his future queen was late. He has picked up on Y/N distancing herself from him but he just assumed it was because he was grieving and she wanted to give him time. He greets all his guest while he waits. After greeting everyone, he goes to talk to his father.

Frigga just observes everything and waits for Y/N. Eventually Y/N shows up and waits for announcement of her arrival to join the feast. Frigga sees Y/N arrive and is shocked to see her in a green dress. But It reminded her of Loki which was refreshing.

Thor: Father, What am I doing wrong with Y/N?

Odin: Nothing my son. She'll come around once you two are married. She has too anyway. You must produce heirs to the throne.

Odin then walks away from Thor. Thor knew what his father said was true. As queen and Thor's wife, it's her duty to produce heirs and be by Thor's side. Thor knows he hasn't tried in the past with Y/N but as the wedding approaches, he knows it's time to try with Y/N; to create a bond with her.

Bellman (Royal Announcer): The young lady Y/N Hightower, future queen of Asgard has arrived.

Thor hears the announcement and looks at Y/N enter the celebration feast. He wasn't expecting her to be wearing green. They were supposed to be matching. Thor walks toward Y/N to greet her after she's done walking down the part of the dining hall. He knows their nonexistent relationship needs to change, starting tonight.

All the Asgardians clap and cheer for their future queen. Y/N has never felt more comfortable and confident at a royal event. Wearing green makes her feel like she has a piece of Loki with her. From that moment on, she decided she would never wear Red again for Thor. She will be wearing green from now on. She's going to be the queen, she will be making her own decisions from now on. Y/N is done letting everyone around her walk all over her.

From that moment on, Y/N is known as the Green Queen of Asgard.

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