Weird guy?

893 14 4

Amelia pov—

I sat down on my bed. Carefully painting my nails blowing them so they would dry quicker.

I don't have a job to go to this is all I do in the evening. I live such a sad life, god.

I heard my phone start ringing I looked at it.


A small smile came onto my face. I picked my phone up and answered the call.

"Hey, Can we go out tonight please!" She begged immediately.

I didn't even have a chance to say hello.

"I don't kn-" I started to say, Before I was cut off by Cassie's voice again.

"You'llcome? Great! I'll tell Luna. We'll be there to pick you up in twenty, Hurry up."

She hung up on me before I could say anything.

Sometimes I wanted to punch that girl in the face.

I groaned as I got up off my bed and went to my wardrobe and looked at my clothes. I was tired, I didn't want to leave.

Me and Netflix had plans tonight.

I rubbed my eyes, I couldn't find anything to wear. Even though I had a whole entire wardrobe of clothes, and a pile of clothes on my vanity chair.

I eventually found a dress. It was a simple black dress, I went over to my mirror and looked at myself for a moment.

It could look worse.

I grabbed a cropped white cardigan that was hanging on my bedroom door and shoved it on.

I was definitely wasting time right now. Cassie could be a right demanding motherfucker sometimes.

I brushed through my blonde curls and went over to my vanity. I cringed at how messy it was, There was makeup all over it. I definitely needed to organise it.

I picked out some lipgloss and mascara and carefully put it on.

Just in time as I heard a very loud beep from outside and some extremely loud music and a woman screaming the lyrics.

I grabbed some black boots from somewhere in my room. Shoving them on, I grabbed my phone and quickly left my bedroom.

Turning off the lights and locking my apartment door. I practically ran down the stairs of the  building when I heard Cassie hold the horn down in her car.

When I walked outside, Sure enough. Cassie was screaming her lungs out to some music. Luna was giving her some very judgemental stares.

Which just made Cassie get louder.

"Get in!" Cassie yelled through the music. I took a deep breath. Silently mentally preparing myself for this.

I got in her car. Sitting in the back seats.

We arrived at this place called, Club Beats.

I was pratically dragged out of the car and we walked inside. There was many people and music blasting, I felt it in my stomach. Cassie walked straight to the bar and me and Luna followed.

I'm the youngest out of both and them and yet I still have to be the one to supervise them both.

We sat on the bar stools. I sat in the middle because I didn't want to sit next to anybody. I had Sprite because I don't really feel like getting a hangover tomorrow.

Cassie had a Redbull with Vodka. Luna had some weird colourful drink. I didn't pay attention to what they ordered.

Cassie and Luna were giggling over something

I looked around me and noticed somebody looking at me.

He looked caught my eyes and gave me a dirty look and then turned around and walked to a table with two other guys.

I watched them for a moment, One of the men looked up. I immediately looked away, Yet I could feel their eyes on me. Burning into me.

I was jumped out of my thoughts when Luna said something, Already starting to sound tipsy.

"Someone come with me to the bathroom. I don't wanna go alone. I need to fix my makeup, My mascara is literally down my face." She said.

"I'll come." I said, I wanted to get away from those men's eyesight for a minute.

She smiled and grabbed my hand as we walked through crowds of people and headed towards the bathroom.

I waited outside the bathroom for her while she fixed her makeup, or whatever the hell she was doing.

I saw that guy who gave me a dirty look earlier walk over to me after a couple minutes.

He took large steps towards me, I swallowed harshly but straightened up a bit, wanting to act confident.

"Hello." I say, Clearing my throat. This guy had to be at least 6 Feet.

He looked at me for a moment.

"Whats your name?" he asked

"Amelia, Why?" I asked. The sudden realisation that I probably should have given him a fake name. My nails dug into my palm.

I saw anger in his cold eyes. "No reason." He said and turned around and he walked out of the door.

What the fuck?

Luna came out of the bathroom. "Done. How do I look?" She asked as she gave me a twirl.

I cringed and then laughed. "You look great Luna." I said.

She smiled. This woman was tipsy, We walked back over to the bar where Cassie was sitting. Walking through the crowds of people.

About two hours later, After the dancing, Singing and yelling, We all decided to go home as Luna was drunk and I was tired.

We were driving home and Cassie dropped Luna off already so we were just heading to my house.

"Thanks for the ride, Cass." I said

"Your welcome, Goodnight girl." She said with a smile, She knew I hated being called girl.

I rolled my eyes and quickly ran into my house as it was so cold. I could not feel my hands right now.

When I got into the house, I quickly took my shoes off and walked to my bedroom and changed into sweatpants and a baggy shirt. I rubbed my eyes, walking to my bathroom.

I took my makeup off and washed my face. Picking up my toothbrush, brushing my teeth.

I climbed into bed. I kept thinking about that guy, He wouldn't get out of my head.

Why did he want my name?

Why was he so attractive?

I just groaned into my pillow. My thoughts are messed up, I'm just tired.

I decided to stop thinking about him and just go to sleep, Which is exactly what I did.


(Only half edited, January 7th 2024)

First chapter!

Okay the next chapter will be uploaded after this publishes :)

Hope u enjoyed it!

word count: 612

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