Panic attack

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Enzo was sat in a chair he has gotten himself he was sitting on his phone, they took my phone!

 I didn't have the confidence to ask for it back nor did I think they would give me it back

Why am I here What did I have to do with his brother I kept asking myself, I haven't murdered anyone.. have I?no! I haven't why am I even thinking that.. I just wanna go home! My eyes filled with tears as it got harder to breathe

My lungs burned as I tried to take a breathe I panicked straight away when I couldn't breathe, I dug my nails into my arm no doubt making marks

"Amelia?" I heard Enzo's voice faintly 

"amelia!" he yelled I couldn't focus on him though.. I just wanted home

It was cold in here and I was tired and I just wanted the comfort of my own house.. I wanted Luna and cassie! 


I was stuck on babysitting duty I mentally rolled my eyes, I was sitting on a chair I got from a random corridor I was messaging Dylan.

He went to the office to grab a file I think, Luke went out most likely to the bar or something, It has been 20 minutes though it felt like 40. Why am I on babysitting duty's I don't wanna babysit a stupid girl!

she's just sitting there I looked up and I saw her staring at the wall and her nails were digging in her arms deep enough to break her skin

, "Amelia" I called out once she wasn't fazed, I got a bit annoyed

"Amelia!" I yelled, She slightly jumped but didn't move.

I looked at her and realised she wasn't breathing properly I looked at her and saw her panicked eyes not knowing what to and tears running down her face 

Panic attack. 

 I've seen them many times but I don't know how to help.. The only person I know that can help is Dylan, I quickly got down on the stone floor with her and took one of her hands, It didn't catch her attention as it seemed she was zoned out which wasn't helping with breathing.

 I got out my phone and called Dylan

"what do u want" Dylan grumbled into the phone

 "Amelia" I said

  "what about her?" he said in a cold tone

 "She's having a panic attack or something" It went silent

"what" he said I heard some background noise 

she's completely zoned out and struggling to breathe" I said "i'm on my way" he said as he hung up.

 Cranky bitch I thought


Enzo called me and said Amelia was having a panic attack, something inside me worried for her.

Why am I worrying about her?! her family killed my brother.. but it wasn't her fault, I need to get answers out of her. 

I told Enzo I was on my way and hung up, I grabbed my car keys and quickly rushed to my car I started speeding down the road.. I don't get why I care this much but I do.. there's just something about her.

  I eventually reached our house I made my way to the basement to hear enzo

"Amelia? Love?" he was trying to get her attention.

I walked in and saw Amelia on the floor crying trying to be silent.. I motioned for enzo to leave which he did, I sat down on the floor next to her and took both her hands in mine and gently grabbed her face to make her look at me.. her beautiful eyes looking in mine. no stop I thought!

I couldn't help it she was so beautiful. Her coughing brought me out of my thoughts I quickly grabbed her and put her on my lap I knew I had her attention "Breathe in and out for me" I whispered gently She shook her head

I started breathing in and out in hope she would copy my breathing, which she did I rubbed my thumb on her hand comforting her

 I know how scary panic attacks are from experience.. I quickly noticed she was shivering while crying.

 I felt like such a bastard for putting a sweet girl into a cold cell.. I quietly hushed her

 I picked her up and wrapped my jacket around her as I walked to my bedroom.

I placed her on the bed her eyes were still full of fear, I took her face in my hands 

"calm down, Nobody's gonna hurt you.. Your safe okay?.. You wont go back down there I promise, go to sleep okay?" I said she gave me a small nod as she curled up into a ball under a blanket I placed over her. 

. Why did I care this much?! there was just a spike in my heart when I saw her crying and shivering..

 Its sort of like.. did I actually have a crush on her?




merry xmas! 

Hope u all had a amazing day:) Im writing this at 2am..

what did you guys get for xmas cmon spill!

make sure u eat and drink! Ly all

word count:850




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