Asking the big question

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Today was the day.. I was going to ask Amelia to be my girlfriend

We've got a bit closer ever since I took her from her job.

 Its already been a month since i...

Kidnapped her 

 I was in my office at my desk, I had told Luke to set up a place in the garden. It had been a week since she had been outside so i thought the Garden was a good place to ask her to be mine. Of course when I trusted her enough i would let her out.. alone with a guard to protect her.

 I was filling in a stupid document for work when i heard my phone Vibrate and i saw the message from Luke

Luke: Its ready 

 I smiled at the message. I got up from my chair and shut my computer down, I went to my bedroom and changed into a suit.. I don't wear them unless its a special occasion.

This was a very special occasion, I went to Amelia's door and Knocked

 "come in" I heard her angelic voice come through the door.

 I walked in her bedroom and saw her on the bed

"Hey love" I said with a smile

"Hi Dylan" She said returning the smile. "Come with me" I went over to her bed and grabbed her hand gently and helped her off the bed. 

She was wearing flared jeans and a white sweater.. She could be wearing sweats and she would still look amazing.. fuck! 

"where are we going?" She asked me in her sweet voice "Its a surprise my love" I replied simply.

 I took her downstairs and into the kitchen, My mansion was a modern dark house.. It cost around 2 Million dollars.

I headed in the garden with her.. It was filled with fairy lights and there was some flowers going up the path.. The path lead to a nice table with a lit candle and her favourite food

 Yes, I did stalk her some more to find out her favourite food

Could I have asked her? yes.

 Did i ask her? no.

"Dylan.." Her voice whispered, I took her to the table and pulled out the chair for her. "Dylan this is.. so beautiful" she said with a big smile, Which i returned to her

 I didn't know how to ask her

 Maybe i should just ask her? 

 I don't know how to do it!

 Maybe i should've thought it through some more.


"Dylan?" Her voice interrupted my thinking 

"Amelia will you be my girlfriend?" I blurted out.. shit! I didn't mean to say that.. to late now i guess.

"oh" She mumbled

"im sorry. I shouldn't have just said it.. I just really like you and your beautiful smile and your angelic voice makes me want to kiss you so much.. I worry and care for you so muc-" She cut me off by saying the one thing i thought she would never say

"Dylan.. I would love to be your girlfriend" she said, A huge smile came onto my face which suddenly dropped when she said


but what? But's are never good!

"what?.. but what?" I asked her 

"If i'm going to be your Girlfriend.. You have to let me leave, I will live here but i want to have my own life.. please" She asked hesitantly

"no, not yet. I will let you leave the house when i trust you more" I explained to her, "but why?" She asked in a whisper 

"I refuse to let you leave me. And i want to keep you safe. I care for you a lot and i want the best for you.. So i will let you go back to your job when i trust you enough Amelia" I explained softly to her. I sound like a bastard but i don't care.. She's not leaving me! 

 "but what about my friends" She reminded me "You will get your phone back when i trust you enough as well. but If you want to call your.. friends then you can ask Me, Enzo, or Luke for our phone's and you can call them." I said to her

 "okay i guess. I'll be your Girlfriend Dylan, But please promise not to hurt me" She said with hurt in her voice


  "i promise Amelia.. I won't hurt you. I like you so much and i could never stand the thought of hurting you my love" I said to her with a sad smile.

 She nodded her head and she got out of her chair and sat on my lap and put her head on my shoulder.







OKAY byeeee


word count: 784 

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