Murder funs

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I was holding on to Dylan for dear life. 

I forgot how fast motorbikes were! I felt alive, "you okay, my love?" he said as he let go of the motorbike handle to grab the side of my leg and rub his thumb on my leg "yeah" I replied, I laid my head on his back and watched all the other cars go by.

I saw Luke come up beside us then Enzo followed, He looked at Dylan and done some sort of hand signal. "Baby, Hold on tight" Dylan yelled through the wind, I held on tighter to him.. I didn't know what they were doing! We suddenly started going faster.

"baby, I have to grab something from  inside okay?" he said as he stopped the bike. I nodded my head, he got off the bike and helped me off the bike.

He held my hand and took me inside the building, we went to the 3rd floor. Luke and Enzo were behind us, Dylan looked frustrated.. We reached a door and Dylan didn't even knock he just walked in. There was someone behind the desk, he had black hair and he was wearing a dark blue suit.

"what the hell?" he shouted, "shut up, do you care to explain why 10 grand was missing from the company bank?" Dylan said, he didn't raise his voice but he didn't shout either somewhere in between

"look, I can expl-" Luke cut him off "no, this is what your going to do. your going to give us all the money back, and your going to do it now" Luke said as he walked towards the man.. I was confused, I didn't know what was going on. 

 Well I did.. im not stupid! I think the man stole 10 grand from them and they weren't happy about it. I can understand why though! 10 grand is a lot of money. 

"but I-" The man tried to speak again

"Luke" Dylan said. He nodded towards me.. Luke walked forwards

 "hey, Amelia. come with me, I want to show you something" Luke said in a gentle voice compared to the way he was speaking a moment ago. he was speaking in darker voice a moment ago

god these men can switch up so fast!

I nodded my head, Dylan reached over to me and kissed my forehead and let go of my hand. Luke gently took me out of the room.


I had Luke take Amelia out of the room. This bitch was annoying me

 "Dylan-" He was trying to give me a shitty excuse. he had took 10 grand from the business, This was not the first time either. He had taken money from our company before but we let him off. enough was enough! 

"no. we have let you off one to many times, Harry. We warned you what would happen if you ever done it again.. yet you done it again! You know what happens now?" I asked as I reached into my pocket and started walking towards him.

 Fear took over his face, Enzo walked up behind him and pulled him off his chair. "wait- please! I have a family. A wife! a-and a kid!" He tried to convince me, Over the years.. I started not caring. 

 I pulled out my gun and pulled the safety off, " You were warned Harry." I spoke darkly and aimed the gun at him.


 "Tell his wife he wont be coming home tonight." I said and walked out the door with Enzo. 

I walked to Luke's office as I knew that's where he took her, I didn't bother knocking I just walked in. 

Amelia was asleep on the couch in his office, She looked pale. I walked over to her and placed my hand on her forehead, she was burning up.

"I think she's sick, man. She threw up earlier" Luke informed me

"You should've called me." I said as I carefully picked the sweet girl up in my arms

"You were busy." Luke said.. I hummed in response "Is Vincent here?" I asked knowing Luke could check who was in and who was out with two clicks, "Yea, he is downstairs" Luke said.

nodded "I'm going to get him to take me and Amelia home. I don't want to take her back on my motorbike if shes sick" I said

They nodded their heads and said something along the lines of "I hope shes okay" I wasn't really listening, I couldn't help but worry about Amelia.

I went downstairs carefully carrying her, I was a 100% getting weird looks from people but I couldn't care less. I spotted Vincent "Vincent, Can you bring me to my house?" I asked making sure to talk quietly.. He looked at Amelia and then at me and nodded his head and motioned me to follow him. 

 He went to his car and unlocked it, I got in making sure not to hit Amelia's head. We got home after 10 minutes, I thanked Vincent and gave him 100 dollars. 

 I walked to my bedroom, It looked dead compared to Amelia's room. I placed her on the bed and walked over to my closet, I had to change.. I noticed I had a bit of blood on me from Harry. 

I changed into grey sweatpants and a white hoodie, I wore a lot of the same outfits most of the days.. I buy the same clothes in the same colours.

I went back over to Amelia and checked her forehead again.. she was still extremely hot. I couldn't help but worry even more about her.

I was going to take care of her. 

 I will always take care of her


im slo tired

this is so hard to write wit nails

word count: 947

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