Questions and flashbacks

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-DYLANS POV-Amelia finally woke up, It was time to stop being soft with her. I walked up to her bed "Amelia" I said in a stern voice, "yeah" she said softly in a voice that made me want to hug her "we need to talk" I said keeping my stern voice up.

he slightly nodded her head and moved up on the bed, I sat down on the bed near her

"okay, ur parents?" I asked

 She looked slightly confused "what about them?" She asked me

 is she seriously playing dumb?

"Your mum and dad" I confirmed "oh.. um" she didn't know what to say

"don't play dumb" she opened her mouth to say something but nothing came out I raised an eyebrow at her

"I don't really remember them" she said in a sad tone

we've been sitting here for 2 minutes 

"I want answers" I said to her "um.. what do u want to know" she said looking down at the blanket 

"I want to know about your parents Business and why they killed my brother" I said putting on a stern voice again

she's so beautiful I thought 

"um, I don't know about there business I didn't know they had one" she said

 was she lying or telling the truth? I asked myself "That's impossible" I said, How did she not know about her parents business? Her parents died I don't know how long ago they died..

 I could probably work it out if she told me her age "I don't know anything about it" she said playing with her hands, "look, I don't know if ur telling the truth but i'm going to get someone else in here and your going to tell them the truth about everything they ask you okay? I have to go to a meeting so that's why there taking over for me" I said she froze for a second But nodded still looking down I got up and left.


Dylan just got up and left!

I'm in a random room alone, In a building I have no idea where it is located and there is no windows in this room! I don't know what he wants me to say when I don't have any memory of my parents!

 They died when I was 6, I was told my brain blocked everything out by a therapist, apparently it blocked out my parents, Their business and everything about my childhood I was raised by foster families my whole life until I turned 18.

when I was 18 I had to do everything myself like, Getting a job, Paying bills, Buying food and all the rest! Suddenly someone came in.. It was a man and he was wearing a suit with black hair, He walked towards me and sat down at the desk chair "right, Amelia" He said looking at me

I felt my anxiety rise.. I'm not having another panic attack no. I refuse! I yelled at myself, I nodded my head at him

 "I'm Jacob.. I'm one of Dylan's Guards I usually deal with people who wont give answers" He introduced himself, I once again nodded my head

"okay.. Lets start with the first question. Now you better answer in all honesty" He said in a tone that made me want to curl up and die, I let out a small "okay" as he continued

 "How old are you?" He asked "21" I replied He nodded his head, He wrote it down It was making me nervous! 

this felt like a interrogation, "what were your parents like?" He asked

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