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After what happened in Dylan's office yesterday, He had been extra clingy. He didn't let me go anywhere without him. Not even downstairs to get some water

His phone got spammed with messages, He groaned in annoyance and lifted his phone. His tiredness quickly went away as he read the messages, I wanted to ask what they were about but stopped myself. It was none of my business.

"I'll be back in a second, love" He said, His voice was still tired. It made his accent come out more.. His accent make him more hotter. I nodded, He kissed my forehead and went out of the room shutting the door behind him.

We were still in Dylan's grey and black room, He had made sure to feed me up last night. We then watched random horror films till we fell asleep, I fell asleep first though.

I was so bored, I needed air. I wanted to go outside, Even if it was with Dylan or Luke or even Enzo. I wanted air, It felt suffocating to be in this huge mansion. 

I was to scared to ask Dylan, As much as I trusted him every time i brought up leaving the mansion he got pissed off. He always said sorry after. 

"Amelia" Dylan said, fuck. He used my name, He never uses my name unless it's something important. "Yeah?" I asked him, "You need to call your friends and tell them you are okay" He said, His voice was emotionless now. 

"w-why" I asked, My nervous stutter coming back. His eyes softened as he realised he was making my anxiety creep forward. "They called your grandmother to find out you were not there, now they are calling the police." He explained in a softer tone. 

I wanted to say, 'well. Just let me leave the house and this wouldn't be a problem.' but I didn't say that, I just nodded. 

"I will let you leave the house with me in a 2 weeks if you can convince them your safe, Deal?" He asked with a smile. I smiled back and nodded, "I'll go get your phone." He said. I nodded my head again.

He left the room to get my phone, I didn't know where it was. 

It was my only chance to tell my friends that I got kidnapped but then again, Was it really a bad thing? I am in a relationship with my kidnapper and.. I'm happy in the relationship. I'm not happy he is still holding me fucking hostage but it could've been so much worse. 

It was going to be hard to convince Cassie and Luna, They always saw through my lies but.. I am safe aren't I? 

I mean yeah, Someone kidnapped me from here but Dylan got me back in less then 24 hours. I couldn't really escape either way, He put a tracker into my arm! 

I think i need a god damn therapist. 

Dylan came back into the room and passed me my beloved phone, "No funny business, No calling the police, No using weird codes or something, and no using girl code" He said, He made me laugh a bit at the end. 'girl code' he looked so confused while he said it.

He gave me a smile, I unlocked it with my password. Dylan was watching me intensely, I scrolled through my contacts until I found Cassie. 

"Speaker" He said, I nodded and put the phone on speaker as I called Cassie.



" Amelia?" Cassie's voice yelled

"hey, Cassie" I said

"Amelia, Where the fuck are you? I know you aren't where u said u were going! Are you okay? Are you safe? Luna! Get ur ass over here, Amelia just called.

"Amelia? Where the fuck are you?" Luna's voice came through the phone

It felt so good to hear their voices, "I'm fine. I am safe"

I wasn't exactly lying, I am safe and I am okay. I was just a bit angry and sad Dylan didn't trust me enough to leave the house. 

Kidnappers for you, You know?

"Where are you Amelia? Cassie asked

I looked at Dylan for help, He was just smiling. I don't know why, I looked at him confused. Amusement was in his eyes. 

"Okay, so.. Basically. I told you guys a lie because me and my boyfriend went on vacation and you bitches are overprotective as fuck and I knew you wouldn't let me go off with a boy you haven't met yet so I just lied. I'm sorry." I came up with a lie. I made it sound the most convincing I could.

"Your damn right. Your fucking stupid Amelia! We do that to make sure you don't get hurt. We haven't heard from you in over a month and your just calling now?" Luna yelled, I heard Cassie agree 

"look, I'm sorry. It won't happen again, Okay? I'll be back soon" I said. 

"okay. we have to go cancel the search party we sent out for you, Fucking message us Amelia!" Cassie yelled and hung up 

Dylan still had amusement in his eyes, "what?" I asked. "your friends are funny, Love." He said, I rolled my eyes. "You did well, Amor. That was a good lie" He said, I smiled at the praise. I passed my phone back to him.

"You can use your phone whenever I am around, now." He said. I smiled and nodded, He kissed my forehead. 

"Dylan?" I asked, He hummed in reply. "Did you hack into my phone?" I asked, I see a lot of films where the kidnapper hacks into the phone and goes through it.

He nodded, His smile grew wider. My eyes widened, "y-you.. You didn't um any chance go through my search history.. or my saved snapchat chats.. or my tiktok search history" I asked, His smile grew even wider. 

He nodded his head. 

"You have very questionable thoughts, my love." He said referring to my search History's. "umm.." Is all I could get out.

He chuckled and got into bed with me, He cuddled me into his chest. I wasn't tired before but I was tired now. "Goodnight, My love." Is the last thing I heard before I fell into a deep sleep.

'I love you'





word count: 1030

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