I messed up

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I had been at the office all day today, I was looking at all of Amelia's Files from therapists to doctor information. I looked at the time to realise it was 4pm.. I had been away from Amelia since 8am!

! I got up and left my Office and went to her bedroom and knocked on her door "come in" she said I walked into her bedroom and she was sitting on the floor in front of her mirror brushing her hair. "Hi" She said with a smile

"hey sweetheart. Did you eat?" I asked, When I was looking at her medical records earlier I found her last one which was 3 months ago. It said she was underweight and she needed to eat more and also due to her Anxiety her appetite was shit sometimes.

I read that online

  "um, yes" She lied straight through her pretty mouth.

I walked over to her and picked her up easily and walked over to the bed and sat down with her on my lap. I gently grabbed her jaw and turned her face to mine, She tried to look away from my eyes but I tapped her face letting her know to look into my eyes again which she did.  

 I kissed her neck "Are you lying to me, pretty girl?" I asked softly as I continued to place kisses over her neck and face 

 "no.." She mumbled. "don't lie to me sweetheart. dì la verità amore" I said and stopped kissing her and looked into her eyes. 

"um, no. I didn't eat" She finally said, "and, why is that my love?" I asked. "not hungry" she said as she dug her head into my neck "You need to eat. I'm going to go and make us food okay?" I said, She nodded her head agreeing with me.

I tried to place her down but she held onto me tighter "come with" She mumbled into my neck. I took her with me to the kitchen and placed her down on the counter. I made us a grilled cheese, we were sitting at the counter together.. I was admiring her, she was so beautiful it was unreal.. fuck. 

"I'm tired" She complained, I nodded my head and placed our plates in the sink and helped her down from the counter and we went up to her room. I knew her room gave her some sort of comfort, maybe a safe place? I'm not sure.


Me and Dylan ended up falling asleep in my bed, I woke up to his phone ringing. I didn't know if I should pick it up or not! I tried to wake him up but he was in a deep fucking sleep.

The caller ID was under "figlio di puttana di un padre." 

" TRANSLATION: Motherfucker of a dad

I decided to just pick it up.. What if it was something important like his mum dying or something? I pressed the green button

"Dylan! I swear to god, Pick up my damn calls more often! You are a motherfucker, You ripped my business to shreds! Sono andato in bancarotta!"

 TRANSLATION: Ive got fucking bankrupt!

I jumped at the sudden yelling.. I was going to reply but then I saw Dylan starting to wake up. 

"fottuto inferno, è luminoso." he mumbled 

TRANSLATION: Fucking hell, Its bright 

 He laid his eyes on me and saw my phone in his hands, His eyes went from tired to angry.. fuck! "What the hell are you doing?" He says sternly, He gets up quickly and rips his phone out of my hand and presses it to his ear after checking who was calling 

 "papà, vai a farti fottere." he said and hung up the phone and turned to me, I backed up against the bed.

 "Why the fuck are you picking up calls on my phone?" he yells, making me jump a bit "I-" I tried to talk but he cut me off 

"shut up! You never fucking pick up any calls on my phone. okay? You don't know who the fuck they are!" He yells again, I nodded. He mutters something in Italian, He starts walking closer to me and he looks like he is about to yell again when..


 "fucking bitch! I'm going to kill you. We have no food thanks to you! Just stop eating god." My dad yelled at me

"Daddy, please.. I didnt mean it!" I yelled as I stood back and sat in the corner of the room with my knees against my chest. 

Daddy raised his hand and slapped me harshly 


Dylan was yelling but I wasn't focusing on his words

 He raised his hand

 I quickly put my arms over my face to protect myself

 Not again please.


I was pissed at Amelia for picking up the phone, I had many people on my contacts.. and some of them aren't so nice and some of them would gladly hunt Amelia down and take her for themselves.

 I lost it a bit.. The thought of her getting hurt, and the thought of her leaving me made me so angry.

"You should never pick up someone's phone!" I yelled

"what if it was someone bad?!" I yelled again, I wasn't even looking at her anymore.

I was looking at the walls

 I was to angry to look at her pretty face! 

I got stressed and raised my hand to run it through my hair.. until a sudden movement caught the corner of my eye.

My eyes shot to her and I saw her with her hands protecting herself.

she fucking flinched.

 I very quickly came down from my anger and came to my senses

 I messed up.


I cried writing this. send help to my soul pls 

how are you guys?.........

goodnight bitches

word count: 958

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