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Dylan had just came back, He said he wanted me to come with him to his office. At first I thought I was in trouble for something but he saw the worry on my face and told me he wanted me to sit with him while he done his paperwork.

He looked stressed and angry so I said yes, I didn't want him to yell at me. I told him I wanted to change first, He was also wearing something new from what he went out in. I asked him about it but he just told me 'i didn't want to know'

He was hiding something from me.

I sighed and changed into his hoodie and some shorts, It may be cold outside but I don't get cold to easily. I walked back to Dylan, He smiled when he saw me. 

God.. His smile done things to me. He took my hand in his and walked me to his office, He pulled me into his lap and started his laptop. 

He gave me his phone and warned me to 'not call the police or anyone.' but he let me do anything else on the phone, I was happy he was starting to trust me. 

-20 minutes later-

Dylan was stressed, It was very visible. "Dylan?" I called out, He looked down at me. "Kiss me Amelia." He said, I was shocked but shyly nodded my head and straightened up a bit so I could reach his lips.

I started to kiss him, He quickly took control of the kiss. This kiss was different to when we usually kissed, He was kissing me roughly. It me feel things.. Things I haven't felt for a good couple years.

I accidently let out a moan as he continued to kiss my lips, I felt him smirk against my lips. he continued to kiss me until we had to pull away for air. I took in large breathes of air, Dylan started to kiss down my neck.

I let out soft moans as he sucked on different parts of my neck, He reached a certain spot on the side of my neck and started to suck. It made me whimper, He chuckled against my skin. "this your sweet spot, darling?" He asked, His Italian accent coming out. 

I whimpered in response as he sucked harsher on the spot. He finally pulled away and looked into my eyes, My neck was sore from where he was sucking and biting but It felt so good at the same time.

He pulled me into another kiss, He held my waist and placed his hand on the back of my head. He wrapped some of my hair around his fist and gently pulled at it making me moan.

I felt heat rush straight to my pussy, I haven't touched myself in months. I had refused to do it ever since my ex-boyfriend touched me there. He was a abusive prick..

Dylan sucked on my bottom lip and gently bit into it, I felt my wetness start to drip down my thighs. I was starting to throb, It was so tingly words couldn't explain. 

I tried to press my thighs together but realised Dylan's legs were in between mine. He pulled away from my lips and looked at me, A smirk appearing on his perfect face. 

He knew exactly what was going on.

The throbbing was getting uncomfortable, I moved a little trying to find a position that made the throbbing not as bad. My clit ended up rubbing against the fabric of his jeans. My shorts did not really do much, I whimpered. 

Dylan chuckled again, "Is my pretty girl a bit needy?" He asked in a mocking tone. The nicknames he was saying just made the throbbing increase! He knew exactly was he was doing.


I nodded my head and dug my face into his chest. Dylan laughed again, "Tell me what you need, Baby." He said, Of course he wanted verbal response! Why couldn't he just accept a nod. 

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