How lucky I am

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We walked into the therapists office, We were sitting on a sofa in the room. 

Amelia was giving me death stares every couple of minutes, I smirked. It was quite funny, I knew she was probably nervous though.

The therapist came in the room, She was wearing a white shirt and a black pencil skirt. She had blonde hair like Amelia, It didn't look natural though. 

As soon as she saw me, Her eyes lit up. She cleared her throat, "Hello, Mr King and Mrs millers." She said with a smile. Amelia smiled at her back and muttered a quick hello.

"Mr. King, I think it would be best for you to step out of the room." The woman said, Amelias eyes panicked as soon as she said that. 

"nope, I'm good right here." I said with a fake smile

"Sir- I do think it would be best for you to leave so me and mrs millers can have more of a private talk."  The woman protested again, Why was she fighting so hard for me to leave the room.

"Once again, I'm good right here." I said, I was not leaving Amelia. The woman didn't look happy, She finally nodded.

She sat down next across from Amelia and started to chat with her, I kept my hand on Amelia's hand rubbing circles with my thumb. It was something I had learnt comforted her.


"Okay, I think that you have anxiety. I can give you some medication for it, I will get it sent to the closest doctors office." The woman finally finished, Why did I always find the bitchy women for my perfect girl.

Amelia nodded, "Mr. King, I need to talk with you alone." She said, I looked at her.

I nodded, Maybe it was something about Amelia. "Baby, Go wait outside okay? I'll be out in a second." I whispered in Amelia's ear, She nodded and hugged me and walked outside the room.

"what do you want to talk to me about?" I asked the therapist, "Is she your sister?" The woman asked.

"No, What does that have to do with anything?" I asked, This woman was pissing me off. I wanted to put a bullet in her head right now.

"So.. She's your girlfriend?" She said with a laugh, "I'm better than her." She said.

I looked at her, She had gotten closer to me. I got up before she could get closer, "Fuck off." I said and walked out of the room.

Amelia was waiting outside the room, I grabbed her hand. "what did she say? You look annoyed." Amelia said, I smiled at the fact she noticed I was annoyed. 

"She was just jealous of you, My love." I said softly as we walked out of the building, "oh" She mumbled. "We won't go back there unless you want to" I said.

She nodded her head, I smiled at kissed her forehead. We reached the car, I opened the door for her and got in the drivers side.

"Do you want to stop and get food?" I asked, "Sure" She said with a smile.

"drive-through?" I asked, She nodded her head. I pulled into a pizza hut's drive-through, "What do you want?" I asked her.

"um, I don't mind. Surprise me" She said with a smile, I chuckled and nodded. 

I ordered a meat feast pizza and some fries, and two cokes. also I got some ice-cream for Amelia. 

I picked up the food, "Do you want me to park in a parking lot or wait till we get home?" I asked. "Wait till we get home" She said. I nodded my head and focused on the road again.

I put my hand on Amelia's thigh, I slowly traced her inner thigh with my fingers. She tried to push her thighs together but I stopped her by gripping her thigh.

"D-Dylan" she whispered, "Do you want me to stop?" I asked. She quickly shook her head no.

I smirked and continued stroking my hand further up her thigh, I could hear her breathing. I unbuttoned her jeans and snuck my hand in them. 

"p-please" She begged, I pushed her underwear to the side and teased her hole. "D-Dylan" She whined, "Ask me nicely." I said

"D-Dylan, please.. touch me." She asked, I smirked again. I pushed a finger inside her, She moaned. 

She grabbed my wrist, "put your arms beside you." I said. She moved her arms to the side of her and gripped the seat. I smirked as I started to push my finger in and out of her.

"P-please, Dylan. I nee-d more" She whined, I chuckled. I pushed another finger into her, "aw. does that feel good?" I mocked her.

She nodded her head. I pulled into a empty parking lot and grabbed Amelia's hips and pulled her onto my lap. 

I entered a third finger, I could feel how tight she was with 3 fingers. I started to pump them in and out, "D-Dylan." she said.

She gripped onto my leg, I smiled and started to kiss her neck. I sucked on a certain spot on her neck that made her whimper. 

I reached for her hand and interlocked my fingers with her, I rubbed my thumb up and down on her hand. 

"I-I can't-" She cut herself off with a moan, "you can. come on, take it." I said. She closed her eyes as I sped up my fingers. 

"Dylan" She moaned, I added a fourth finger. "oh-" she said in surprise, I could feel her pussy tighten. I knew she was close, I started to rub my thumb on her clit. 

"I-I'm coming-" She said through her moans, I nodded and sped up even more. 

She let out another moan as she came all over my fingers. "Good girl." I said softly, I kissed her lips. 

She closed her eyes and put her head into my chest. I laid soft kisses all over her face, She breathing went steady and softer. I knew she was asleep, I smiled and put her into the back seats and put her seatbelt on. 

I started to drive home, I was thinking about how lucky I am to have Amelia.

I love her.


i fucking hate whatever tf i just wrote

I am probably going to change this whole chapter when i know how to write better like wtf


word count: 1045

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