Dylan, get your ass here

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I groaned as my step-dad slashed a knife across my face, There was blood all over the floor from me. My arms were bleeding.. My face is bleeding in many places. I think some of my fingers may be broken

"You broke me and your mum up! You fucking deserve this" My step-dad shouted and stabbed me with the knife, I clenched my jaw in pain. I had learnt to never show how much it was hurting, Not to give them the satisfaction. 

A ring tone sound filled the room and my step-dad picked his phone off the table, "oh, look who it is." He muttered as a smirk formed on his face, He clicked the green button and put it on speaker.

"Hello, It's been a long time hasn't it Dylan?" My step-dad said in a dark tone

Fuck! Dylan must have tracked me, He makes everyone he actually likes get a tracker into their arm or neck. I remember the day he pretty much forced me to do it, He dragged me to the chair and forced me to do it. I didn't speak to him for a week, I eventually forgave him though

"Ronald, what the fuck are you doing?" Dylan asked, He was pissed off. It was easy to tell.. 

"Oh, Just getting some revenge." My step-dad said and walked back over to me, He picked up the knife again

"Ronald, I swear to fucking god!" Dylan yelled into the phone. My step-dad dragged the knife along my arm again. I hissed out in pain

"Ronald, Just leave him alone!" Luke yelled into the phone, I could tell he had been crying. Luke cared a lot about me, I cared about him to. I could not imagine life without him.. and dylan. 

Dylan may be a moody bitch a lot of the time but he was still important to me.

"how is it going?" Mike walked into the room

"Mike?" Dylan screamed into the phone. He was getting more and more angry, God help these fuckers. 

"oh, Dylan. Nice to hear your voice again" Mike said mockingly 

"What the fuck is wrong with you? Who the hell broke into the house?" Dylan asked 

"Oh, You know. It was just some of my men" Mike said casually 

Fucking bitch!


I wanted to kill them both. 

I hung up the phone "Luke, Get our men ready. We're going to get Enzo back now!" I said to Luke, He nodded his head and got his phone out and left the room.

I groaned in frustration, I looked at my computer at the location. We had tracked the phone call and Enzo. We knew exactly where they were and we were going to get Enzo back, I could see how worried Luke was. 

I walked out of my office and to my bedroom where Amelia was, I opened the door and I didn't see her on the bed. I assumed she was in the bathroom so i knocked on the bathroom door to make sure she was okay.. No reply. Worry started to build up inside of me

I walked into the closet, She was not there.

I rushed over to her bedroom, Nobody was there. 

I looked in her bathroom, Nobody. 

Closet, Nobody. 

fuck! I knew that the stairs to the third floor was locked so I knew she would not be up there. I went into my office to make sure she was not there, She wasn't. I looked in the other bathrooms, The guest rooms, I ran downstairs and looked in the kitchen, Nobody. I looked in the living room and garage, Nobody! Fuck. 

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