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Dylan had just asked me if I wanted to see a therapist, I was nervous about seeing therapists. I was always nervous about talking to new people

He said he thought it would be good to help with my anxiety, I didn't think I had anxiety. I just thought it was some stupid thing of mine.

when I said that he looked more worried, He said he would be in the room with me. I wanted to make Dylan happy so I agreed.

He asked me when I wanted to go, I just said I didn't mind.

he ended up booking a fucking appointment today! I was getting ready to leave now, I know I agreed for this but I didn't expect fucking today Dylan.

I'm going to smother you with a pillow in your damn sleep, Dylan. 

Fucking bitch.

I walked out of the closet after changing into black jeans and his hoodie, My blonde hair was curled and I had put some mascara and foundation on to make myself look like I didn't just wake up.

"You look amazing, My love. You never fail to impress me." He said with a small smile, I looked at him with a death glare. "What the fuck did I do?" He asked rolling his eyes.

"When I said 'whenever' I didn't mean today, You are making me leave my nice warm bed" I complained. He rolled his eyes, "You said whenever, You didn't specify. come on, We're going to be late." He said.

I rolled my eyes, "I'm going to kill you tonight, I swear to fucking god." I muttered while walking past him

 "What was that?" He said in a tone that made me turn round.

I turned round, he had a big smirk on his face. "Go on, Sweetheart. What did you say?" He said walking towards me.

I gulped as he was right in front of me, He raised his eyebrow waiting for me to talk. 

He wrapped his hand around my throat and squeezed. Not tight enough for me to panic but it was still hard.

"D-Dylan" I said, I didn't know what I wanted.

He snuck his hand under my hood, I wasn't wearing a fucking shirt. I blushed as he ran his hand over my stomach and continued going down. 

I felt wetness down there, I tried to push my thighs together but he push his leg in between my thighs so, I couldn't push them together.

"What were you saying, love?" He asked again, "I-I" I couldn't talk. His hand was distracting me to much, "What do you want?" He asked.

He wanted me to tell him again, fuck it. "Dylan, P-please" I begged.

"Is this okay?" He asked when he snuck his hand in my jeans, I nodded my head. His hand was on my underwear. I needed him so badly.

he was rubbing my clit through my underwear, I whimpered. Fuck, I needed more. 

He pushed my underwear to the side and started to rub my clit directly. I let out a small moan in pleasure, Fuck. 

He was teasing my hole with his finger, Fuck! I wanted to strangle him.

His hand was still around my throat, He squeezed it harder. It made blood rush to my head, For some reason it made more wetness come out of me.

I groaned in frustration, he was fucking teasing me. 

He laughed. He fucking laughed! I swear, I'm going to give him a boner and then leave him just so he knows how this feels. 

He added more pressure onto my clit, It wasn't enough. "Dylan" I whined again, He laughed again!

I'm going to kill him!

He teased his finger tips in my hole, "Dylan, what the fuck are you doing. Just fuck me alr-" I gasped as he shoved 3 fingers in me, stretching me. 

"The attitude you have, Might have to fix that soon." He said and kissed my nose. I moaned as he moved his 3 fingers in and out while still rubbing my clit.

I hadn't realised how close I was, The feeling was already building up in my stomach. "Dylan-" I moaned, Fuck. His fingers are magical, I swear. 

He was going to be the death of me.

The room was dead silent, The only thing you could hear was my moans and the sound of my wetness as Dylan pulled his fingers in and out of me. 

"I-I'm gonna c-cum" I struggled to get out, His fingers hit a certain spot as he curled his fingers. 

"o-oh, sh-shit!" I said, he suddenly pulled his fingers out. 

The throbbing of my clit being hard to handle, I looked at him. He released the grip on my throat, "We're going to be late." He said.

He grabbed my hand and started walking out of the room, The throbbing between my legs was so hard to ignore. I'm going to murder him!

He took me to his car and buckled my seat belt, I sat with my arms across my chest like a child. I was pissed at him, He fucking knew it as well! 

He started the car and pulled out of the drive-way, I stared at him in anger. He had a big grin on his face, "Don't give me attitude, My love." Is all he said. 

It was silent for the rest of the ride until we arrived at the therapist office, The throbbing was still there. My 'anxiety' was starting to take over my body though.

We walked inside, Dylan went to the front desk. "Name for appointment." The lady said, "Amelia Miller." Dylan said giving the lady a death stare.

Sort of like the one I gave him earlier. 


okay I want to go to sleep so the next chpater wll be as soon as I wake up tomorrow

or at 3am either one

i'll probably go scroll on tiktok for a million hours but I just wanna put a blanket over my head so the demons dont be getting me tonight

i feel like smth be watching me and i see shadows bro

i'm not risking getting eaten

I also forgot Amelia's last name so I'm hoping her last name was Miller


this was shit smut tbh-  I'll probably change it tomorrow


word count: 1020

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