What are you going to do with me?

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Luke and Enzo were down the road, I was starting to panic as there was many footsteps that could be heard from downstairs. "D-Dylan" Amelia mumbled, "Its okay." I said with a smile. I didn't know if it was okay but I needed one of us calm. There was a loud bang and a door slamming open, Luke and Enzo were here. "Baby, Amelia. Stay here" I said sternly leaving no argument, She looked very hesitant but nodded. She didn't want me to go but I needed to make sure it was all okay

I grabbed the gun from my pocket and walked out of the room, Locking it behind me. I walked downstairs, I went into the living room and Luke was cornered by 2 men with guns aiming at his head and Enzo was gone. I quickly got my gun and shot one after another, They did not have time to react before they were dead. 

"Luke? You alright?" I asked "They took fucking Enzo!" He yelled, I saw tears in his eyes. Luke barely cried it was very rare for him to cry 

"The fuck you mean?" I asked "We walked in and they saw Enzo and shot him in the leg and then another person came up from behind me and tackled me to the floor. I got the guy off of me and i realised that Enzo was gone and when i asked where they took him.. They just fucking laughed!" Luke yelled

Luke was now crying, "They fucking took one of my best-friends." Luke broke down. I went up to him and hugged him "We will get him back Luke. I promise" I said.

I let Luke cry on my shoulder for a while before he calmed down, "what do we do?" Luke asked me

I stayed quiet thinking of what to do, "tracker!" I realised. Most of the important men in my business have a tracker in their arm, The only people that have them is Luke, Enzo and 2 more men then i actually find important. I was debating if I should get Amelia to get one.. Just in case. 

"oh shit! I'm going to your office to track him" Luke said as he ran upstairs before i could even reply

I looked around and saw the blood on the carpets and the glass that was broken all around, I pulled my phone out of my pocket and messaged one of my assistants and told them to hire a cleaner to be here soon. 

I quickly went upstairs and unlocked the door, Amelia was sitting on the bed with her knees up to her chest and her hands shaking. "Baby" I called out which caught her attention 

She looked up at me, before she could ask any questions "It's okay, sort of. They.. kidnapped Enzo. Luke is tracking him down now, Then we will go and get him." I said 

She nodded her head, Her eyes were still full of worry and fear.

"Enzo will be okay. I know you have more questions but ask me them all tomorrow okay, baby? My brain feels broken." I explained, She nodded her head. 

I walked over to her after shutting the door and picked her up and sat back on the bed with her on top of me laying on me. I kissed her head

She wasn't talking, I didn't know why. Maybe she was still scared? Worried? I didn't want to worry her.


I slowly started to wake up again, I started to remember what happened. I opened my eyes and looked around, I was in a fucking cell! Are you kidding me?

Fucking bitches.

"Hello, Enzo." I quickly realised who the voice was. 

My step-dad.

That fucker! He always hated me ever since he married my mum, Then they got divorced and he hated me more and blamed me for the damn divorce. 

I saw 2 figures walk up.. 

My step-dad, Ronald. 

One of Dylan's Rival.. Max

"What the fuck" I muttered, What were they doing together?

"Why the fuck am I here?" I yelled, I tried to move but I realised They had my hands tied together

"well, You broke up me and your mum. I needed to get some revenge for that." My step-dad said

"Why are you working with mike?" I asked confused still, "Well, I wanted to get some revenge on Dylan for all that he done to me and my family. Your one of his closest people so.." Mike explains

"Fucking, bitches!" I yelled. I wanted to punch them! 

"Oh shut up, Enzo!" My step-dad yelled. I looked at him "Don't tell me to shut up! You fucking kidnapped me from my own house." I yelled back. 

He went quiet after that, yeah thats what i thought you old looking crumpet. 

"what are you going to do with me?" I finally asked.


This is a short chapter tbh



I wanna go to a concert. Im broke


not ok

yk how easy would it be to commit a crime? 

word count: 836

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