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"Dylan?" Her sweet voice called out, I opened my eyes. 

I saw Amelia, "Amelia?" I said. "Are you okay?" She asked, Amelia was on top of  me. "wait, your real?" I asked.

I flipped us over so I was on top of her instead, I put my hand on her face. "I'm real." She confirmed. I sighed in relief, "Fuck. I had a dream you died, Amelia. I thought you fucking left me." I said.

I kissed her sweet lips, She pulled back. "I would never leave you, Dylan." She said, I let a soft smile come across my face. 

"Your so pretty." Amelia said, "Don't call me pretty, I'm handsome thank you very much." I said, "Mm.. I still think your pretty." Amelia said with a giggle. 

"Whatever, You need to eat something. What do you want to eat?" I asked, "I'm not hungry." She said with the same little smile. 

"Amelia." I said in a warning tone, She giggled again. "what do you want to eat?" I asked again, "I'm not hungry!" She said.

I looked in her beautiful brown eyes, A mischievous glint in them. "Oh, you want to be a brat today?" I asked. Blush came upon her face, I chuckled. 

"Don't make me do something you won't like to much, my love. What do you want to eat?" I asked her again. 

I looked into her eyes, I saw in her eyes she wanted to test me but she was to shy. I smirked at it, "pizza?" she suggested. I smiled and nodded, i kissed her forehead and went downstairs to get her some pizza. 

-time skip 20 minutes-

After finally getting Amelia to eat some food, "you okay, my love?" I asked her. "I'm bored, can we go to a club?" She asked.

I'm not going to lie, I was a bit shocked she asked that. "You sure?" I asked, she nodded. "Okay, fine. I want you to stay by my side the whole time though, and if you feel yourself getting stressed or overwhelmed, I want you to tell me. Understood?" I said sternly. 

She nodded her head, "I want your verbal response, love." I said. "yes, I understand." She said. "Good girl, I am picking what you wear. I do not want you wearing anything to revealing." I said. 

She rolled her eyes and nodded her head, "don't roll your eyes at me." I said and I kissed her soft lips. 


Amelia was finally finished getting ready, She walked out of the bathroom. Wearing the cute little mesh shirt and black jeans I had picked out for her.

 Wearing the cute little mesh shirt and black jeans I had picked out for her

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Her makeup was all done, I smiled as soon as I saw her. "Fucking beautiful." I said, I was wearing a full black suit. 

She blushed and looked down, before she could say anything I grabbed her hand and took her downstairs. 

I walked into the garage with her behind me, I grabbed the key to the black Ferrari. I opened the door for her and helped her in. 

I got in the drivers side and started up the car, we drove to the club. I was confused on why she wanted to come here but I guess she was just bored.

"How's the wedding planning going?" I asked with a grin, "It's nearly done, just need to pick a few more colours." She said shyly. I chuckled, "Good job, my love." I said and put one of my hands on her thigh.

We had arrived at the club, Me and Amelia were sitting at the bar. I made sure I kept track of how many drinks she was having, I wouldn't allow her to have more than 7. 

"Dylan!" Someone called out, I looked behind me and saw one of my very very old friends. "Oh, hey Jax." I said, Amelia looked at me looking alarm. 

Though one reassuring look from me made her calm down, as she sipped her drink again. 

Jax came over here, we were talking for about 30 minutes before he said he needed to go because of his wife. We said our goodbyes and I turned around to face, Amelia. 

She was gone. 

I looked around quickly, all i could see was everyone dancing and having fun. Fuck, How long could Amelia have been gone for?

Tracking chip!

I pulled out my phone and looked and where she was, Amelia was in a fucking food shop 20 minutes from here. I decided whether I would stay here and wait for Amelia to get back or to follow her.

Fuck it, I took one more sip of my whiskey and ran out of the club. it was pitch black, I pretty much ran down the street. When I got there, Nobody was fucking there. 

Where the hell is she? I suddenly got a incoming call, I looked at my phone and saw it was from Amelia. 

I answered, "Amelia. Where the fuck are you?" I said with slight anger in my voice, It was silent for a few seconds. "D-Dylan, I-I'm scared." She said.

My anger went down, Probably going to come back up later. "Baby, what's wrong? Where are you?" I asked, "T-There's somebody f-following me." She said in a low tone. 

That's probably why Amelia wasn't here, She probably got scared and continued walking. "Baby, Where are you?" I asked already putting her on speaker so I could message Luke and Enzo.

"I-I'm down kings.. street. Near a.. mansion looking thing." She said, I could hear Amelia's rapid breathing. "Calm down, my love. I won't let anything bad happen to you, okay? Luke and Enzo are on their way." I said trying to keep her calm. 

Within minutes, Luke and Enzo both pulled up with motorcycles, We had no time to go and get the car. Not to mention it would be slow, We cannot risk getting pulled over. It would take to long to get out of a ticket. 

Enzo's bike was dragging my motorcycle, "Baby. We're on our way, okay? What's happening?" I asked trying to get as much info as possible. I gave Luke and Enzo a 'thank you' sort of nod. 

I hopped on the motorcycle and started it, I nodded for one of them to go first. Which they did.

They both knew where they were going, "H-He's close, D-Dylan." She said. I could hear how scared she was. "Okay, Stay calm baby. We're nearly there, Just round the corner from you." I said.

"focus on my voice, Take a deep breathe in and out." I said, "My love. Do you hear any motorcycles?" I asked. "Y-yes, loud." She said, "okay. good, baby. That's us, We are close. Do you see us?" I asked. 

"i-is that you, u-up the road?" Hope filled her voice, I noticed two figures. "yes baby. that's us." I said. 

As soon as we all stopped on the side of the road, Luke pulled out a gun and aimed it at the man. Me and Enzo went to Amelia, She was shaking. Very clearly drunk, Her pupils were dilated. 

Enzo looked at me, "Is.. she?" He couldn't finish his words. "Baby, Amelia. Have you taken anything, weird?" I asked. I put my hands on her jaw, making her look me in the eyes. "m-my drink tastes a b-bit weird" she said. 

"Was she fucking spiked?" Enzo said, angrily. I nodded, "okay. let's get you home, baby. Just breathe in and out." I said, trying to contain my anger.


this was kind of rushed

sorry ;( 

word count: 1267

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