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-AMELIA'S POV- He was taking me to the mall, Maybe I could try and escape? after all it will just be him and me right?.. He can't stop me.


Fuck was I taking her to the mall without Luke and Enzo and maybe 2 guards. I liked her a lot but I don't trust she won't run off. I told her we were leaving in 5 minutes, I walked into Enzo's room

"what do u want" he groaned "Your coming with me to the mall, I'm taking Amelia to get some clothes I don't trust that she wont run off. We're leaving in 5" I said as I walked out.. I went to tell Luke the exact same thing and I got a couple guards as well, Not just because of her but many people don't like me and the thought of Amelia getting hurt makes something inside of me drop.

 I knocked on her door I heard a faint come in "hey, you ready love?" I said she looked down at the floor when I said that "aw, Is little love shy?" I said in a mocking soft voice as I went over to her and lifted her head up.. I looked at her pretty face and studied her.

.. Her eyes

.. Her perfect nose.

.. Her lips.

My eyes stared at her lips for a moment, Not yet. "You ready?" I said as I looked away from her lips and into her eyes.. She nodded her head shyly, I smiled at her I grabbed her hand and lead her downstairs She was looking around as she has never been to this part of the house before. 

 "Luke and Enzo are coming with us" I blurted out "oh" she muttered.. "why?" She asked me with hesitation, I wanted the hesitation gone 

"They wanted to buy something I think, I don't know I wasn't listening to whatever they were saying" I came up with a lie, She laughed at my words.. Her laugh is so beautiful it kills me. we were now downstairs with Luke and Enzo

 "okay come on assholes get in the car, I haven't got all day" I rolled my eyes and took Amelia to the garage her hand was still in mine.

"what car do you want to take" I asked Amelia, She looked around the Garage.

There was 4 cars here in total and if you count motorcycle's as cars then there was 7, Bugatti, Lamborghini, A white Range rover, A black range rover, There was motorbikes here as well. Me, Enzo And Luke like to go on motorcycle rides.. There

was 3 Black Yamaha R1's. 

 "um.. That one" Amelia pointed to the Bugatti. My favourite car.. That's my girl. 

 Enzo and Luke wanted to take the Black Range rover so I gave them the keys "We're having a couple Guards come with us as well, Just for protection" I warned her, she nodded her head. I opened the car door for her and helped her in the car. I started the car, I let Luke and Enzo go first and we would follow them Then the guards would be behind us.

We got to the mall, There was many people there. God I hated people! I helped Amelia out of the car I let go of her hand to do something when she quickly grabbed my hand back in hers. I looked at her she was looking at the crowd's of people in the mall. I squeezed her hand gently "It's okay my love, Their just people. I'm here with you and those dickheads are also here with you" I said pointing towards Luke and Enzo who were currently hitting each other for some weird reason.

She nodded her head at me I kissed her forehead and locked the car.. We walked over to the Idiots 

"come on you stupid fucks, Let's go" I said to them. We were now inside the mall, Amelia was clung onto me tightly every time I tried to let go of her hand she held on tighter, It was clear she didn't like big crowds. I ordered the Guards to stay a close distant behind us so Amelia didn't see them

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