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I woke up in a strange room, It was brick walls yet I was on a comfortable bed? I got up and fell straight back on the floor, I suddenly heard doors unlocking I looked up from the floor to the door and saw Them walk in "hello love" Enzo said, Tears filled my eyes I was so scared..

"your probably confused and scared, But to be truthful I don't really care. Let me introduce my friends and business partners, This is Enzo Anderson and Luke taylor, And i'm Dylan King" Dylan said

 I've heard of them! They were famous business men in a huge office im not sure what it was called.

 I didn't react "I'll let Luke explain your.. situation" Dylan said as he stood against the wall followed by Enzo, "okay, Amelia Your.. Family killed Dylan's Brother 20 years ago and your now the only remaining person from the family alive, so care to explain why your parents decided to do that?" he asked looking cold as stone, I stayed extremely quiet.

It has been 5 minutes in pure silence Suddenly Dylan snapped

"Why did you kill Jeremy!? He meant everything to me!" He yelled as he walked towards me I was still on the floor I backed up until there was no where for me to go, He grabbed my arm and pulled me up to reach him "why?!" his eyes were full of tears but they quickly left his eyes they were full of anger, "I-I don't know anything I promise" I said as tears rolled down my face

"Enzo, Guard her! Luke come with me" he yelled as he walked out of the room with Luke following behind, I was left in the room with Enzo


I was angry, My brother meant so much to me and the Miller's just killed him! because he didn't make a stupid payment?

I wanted to say more to Amelia but for some reason when I saw the tears run down her face I knew she didn't have anything to do with it, But that doesn't mean she doesn't know things about it and I will get everything out of her, I don't know what im gonna do after I've got the information I cant just let her leave, I told her all of our last names as well which wasn't smart but I already told her.

I told Luke to come with me so we could go to the office in our house to get some more information on Amelia miller, and the rest of her family of course.. 

I had told Enzo to Guard her because Amelia looked scared And enzo had been the most friendly out of us all so maybe she would calm down, Why was I caring about her?! I yelled at myself in my mind

What are we doing Dylan?" Luke asked 

"We're going to find more information about The miller's and a lot more about Amelia." I told him 

He nodded as we walked into the office and started working. 


sorry for the short chapter didnt have much time <3

merry xmas eve mfers:)

im writing a special xmas chapter for the other book 

i feel like putting a xmas chapter in this book will be to depressing right now 

BUT i am gonna write a xmas chapter for this book but it wont be uploaded until the lovey dovey starts ;)

word count: 566

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