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I woke up and I was half on the floor and half on the sofa.. What the hell? I asked myself I looked to my right and I saw Cassie with some weird cowboy hat on her head and she was face first into the floor.. I looked to my right and Luna was on the table covered in popcorn.. oh my, Cassie suddenly woke up

"w-what time is it" she groaned

"um.." I reached for my phone, Its 1pm oh my! "Its 1pm!" I yelled "what!?" Luna woke up and groaned

"Amelia, probably isn't the best time to tell u this but.. ur interview is at 2.30pm" Cassie said 

"you didn't think to tell me that before?" I yelled as I quickly got up . 

After a quick shower and putting on some light makeup and doing my hair I finally picked out a outfit which was, a brown plaid pencil skirt with a white turtle neck and a black jumper that showed the neck part of the shirt.. it was the best I had! I put on some boots and grabbed everything I needed.

Cassie and Luna were sitting in the kitchen eating left over pizza

how the hell are u alive" Luna groaned I laughed at her.. 

"Okay come on its like 2.20pm" Cassie said as she got up, she was wearing leggings and a white hoodie and Luna got up as well she was just wearing pjs.

we got to the club.. It was black and red on the outside Bouncers on both side of the door, Cassie got out the car as I followed her, The bouncers greeted her as we walked inside she guided me to the managers office, she smiled at me as she knocked on the door and we heard a faint "come in", we walked in "hey Julie" Cassie said "hey!" she smiled at cassie then turned to me and smiled "You must be amelia! Lovely to meet you. Take a seat" she said.

It was now the end of the interview I was so nervous.. she was about to tell me if I got the job or not "okay.. so it seems your qualified enough so.. Welcome to the club!" she smiled, oh my god! I got a job "oh my! thank you so much" I said smiling "you can start tomorrow if you'd like, You can wear anything as long as its smart! Cassie is gonna train you and fill u in on everything as well!" she said "okay! perfect thank you" I said with a big smile "ill email you with your hours, but your hour for tomorrow is 12-5pm" she said I nodded my head "have a good day dear!" she said as I walked out the office, Cassie and luna were standing outside

"so yea- Girlie! how did it go" Cassie cut herself off 

"well..I got the job!" I said smiling

"yes! im so happy for you!" Luna said with a big smile "can we go get some mcdonalds?" I asked they both laughed and we went to the car, We were eating our food in the car, Cassie and Luna were chatting about something

I was looking out the window and I suddenly saw the same man looking at me from the other day, no! how did he find me? I don't get this.. My face went pale He walked away as soon as he knew that I saw him. 

We were now at home and I changed into some sweats.. I was so ready to just take a nap so that's exactly what I did.. My first job was tomorrow so that's fun! I need to get a lot of rest or i'll be living on redbull for the whole day, anyways Im gonna be at the bar serving drinks. anyways.. I decided to scroll through Instagram for a bit. 20 minutes later I was fast asleep in my nice warm cozy bed at cassies house, yes I had my own room don't ask!


okay, next chapter will be out in like 2 minutes bc i wanna release all the chapters ive already written so i can write moreee

anyways.. how are you guys?

how do you like the book- 


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