This was going to be fun

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I didn't know what to say or do. I just made my girlfriend flinch!

Why the fuck did she flinch? no stop thinking! Help her

"A-Amelia" I tried to say but it came out broken, She slowly moved her arms away from her beautiful face.. "Amelia" I said as I took a small step closer, Watching as her eyes filled with fear. "Amelia.." I said again softly, Her breathing started to pick up.

A memory flashed in my brain


If Amelia's brain was to show her the flashbacks or memories it could lead to depression episodesif it was flashbacks it could cause a panic attack or anxiety attack


I needed to help her without scaring her! "Amelia.. Please" I said, I didn't know what to say. Her eyes filled with tears.. I watched as one rolled down her cheek! I moved forward again, she tried to walk backwards but bumped into the frame of the bed

"Amelia.. I'm not going to hurt you okay? I promise" I said trying to comfort her. How the fuck could I do this? I overreacted! I was just so fucking worried about her. "Please don't hurt me" She whispered so quietly that I could barely hear it.. My heart dropped, I messed up bad. 

 I walked towards her slowly.. I finally reached her, She looked up at me. Her eyes were filled with tears and her lips were quivering, I wrapped my arms round her which she quickly returned and dug her face into my chest. 

"I'm so sorry, Amelia! I would never hurt you okay? never" I whispered in her ear. she didn't say anything she was just crying.. My eyes teared up as well.. I sat on the bed with her still clung onto me. 

I gently pulled her head away from my chest and brought her head up to look at me "Amelia.. Calm down my love. It's okay, Nobody is going to hurt you. I promise you that okay? I will never let anyone hurt you. Your safe here I promise you.. Even if you don't feel safe, you are" I said as I pecked her lips.

She nodded her head and coughed as she had been crying for while.. I rubbed my hand up and down her back and kept pecking all over her face in an attempt to calm her down, Which it worked. "Amelia" I said as I moved my hand from her back, she gave a small hum in return. 

"I'm sorry.. I know it will take you a while to forgive me and trust me. The only reason I yelled as because.. I have people on my contacts that are dangerous and people I don't ever want u to talk to or answer to, Okay? I'm sorry" I explained, "its okay, I understand" She mumbled.. I could see it in her eyes, She didn't forgive me.

I understood and I wasn't going to constantly say sorry

 Words cant fix anything. I have to prove It!

I kissed her again, she didn't kiss me back at first but then she started to kiss me back and I felt my heart beat faster.

"I really fucking like you Amelia" I said as I stopped kissing her for a moment, She smiled at me "I like you to." She mumbled. 

I smiled


"baby, You have to eat" I said

I have trying to get her to eat for an hour! She hadn't eaten today, yet! "no" She whined, I groaned

Shes a fucking brat.

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