Someone is here

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I woke up and I felt like I was in the deep pits of hell. 

I felt so fucking hot

 I opened my eyes and saw that I was in Dylan's bedroom. I saw Dylan he walked out of the bathroom

"hey, baby. how you feeling?" he asked softly and walked over to me.. "terrible" I groaned, He sighed and put his hand on my forehead

"fucking hell, baby. I'm going to get you some water.." He said I nod, he leaves the room to get me some water. I got out of the bed and I felt really dizzy so I grabbed onto the nightstand until the dizziness wasn't to bad anymore, I went into his closet and stole one of his shirts. 

I sat back on his bed and sat on top of the blankets as I was still feeling really hot.

Dylan came back with water with ice, Water with ice just tasted better for some reason.

"Where is Enzo and Luke?" I asked him as he placed the water down on the table "They are handling business at the office today. I was suppose to be there today." He said and sat down on the bed

 "You didn't have to stay here" I said feeling guilty that I was the one making him stay here, "I wanted to, My love. You are my priority.. I will always stay with you." he said with a smile, he never failed to make me smile.

 He was amazing.. we hadn't known each other to long. Dylan had.. Kidnapped me 2 months ago, We had been together for a month. I got bored sometimes.. I wish Dylan would let me go out alone, or even have my phone. I had debated asking him if I could call Cassie or Luna but.. I didn't want them to call the police so I chose not to. 

 I will soon but just not yet, I don't know what is going on.. did they notice I was gone for 2 months? is there a search for me? I didn't know but.. I have been out in public a couple times and nobody realised it was me.

I didn't mind as much as I did last month as Me and Dylan were doing a lot better but, I still wish I could be outside alone and have my phone. 

 "do you want to take a shower?" Dylan asked, I nodded my head "can u carry me" I asked, making him smile "yes, My love." He moved closer to me and kissed my forehead and picked me up, Bridal style. 

He carried me to his bathroom and placed me on the counter, He turned on the shower and waited for it to get hot.

 He gave me privacy and told me to call him if I needed anything, I got down off the counter and stripped out of my clothes, I reached behind my neck and took my necklace off.

I got in the shower and sighed of relief when I felt the warm water hit my skin. 

I finished the shower and wrapped a towel round my body, I made sure to dry my hair so it wasn't dripping when I left the bathroom.

"are you okay, baby?" He voice rang through the door

 "yeah, I am coming now" I replied to him.

I walked out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me still, Dylan eyed me up and down. Making me blush.. 

"I'm stealing one of your hoodies" I called out to him as I walked into the closet.

 I took plain black hoodie and put it on, It came down to my knees. 

 Damn! I was short, I walked back into the bedroom and saw Dylan. "come and lay down, love. You need rest." He told me, I walked over to the bed and curled up into a bawl next to him and put my head on his lap 

"I'm going to order some food, okay? Do you feel okay?" He asked 

"I just feel a bit sick.. I also feel cold" I admitted

He pulled the blanket over me and told me to try and go to sleep, I did as he said and fell asleep in his arms. 

I hated being sick


I looked at the small girl laying on the bed.

I had ordered the pizza, It was suppose to be here soon. 

I was still worried about her, I knew that it was only a sickness. I had a feeling that she had a weak immune system as her parents seemed like they didn't feed her enough, Yet I didn't know the full story so  didn't want to make assumptions. 

I knew she didn't trust me completely but I was going to work on it..

I might give Amelia her phone back soon, I knew that I could not keep her inside forever. 

I heard a loud knock ring through the house, I carefully moved Amelia's head off of my lap and went downstairs.

I walked through the living room and opened the door and collected the food, I tipped the person and shut the door.

I went into the kitchen to grab something, I was about to open a cupboard when I paused.

there was someone here. 

I turned round, I could not see anybody

I went to the living room and opened one of the draws in the tv stand and pulled out a pistol and put it in my pocket. My jogging bottoms had deep pockets and i was now thankful for that, I knew I had to get to Amelia.

I grabbed a slice of pizza for Amelia and rushed upstairs, I opened the door and i almost sighed in relief when I saw she was still there. I shut the door and Locked it and I walked up to the bed and gently moved her so she would wake up.

"my love, wake up" I said softly putting my worry deep inside, I could feel someone in the house. It's weird but I could always sense when someone was near me..

Amelia opened her eyes and looked up at me, "Hi" she said quietly. "Hey baby, Eat this okay?" I said as i gave her the plate with the pizza. She nodded her head and sat up, Suddenly a loud crash rang through the house. It made Amelia jump, Her eyes filling with fear. 

She was about to talk but I quickly covered her mouth. I grabbed my phone from the nightstand and called Enzo, as he was the first person that I saw on my contacts.

"what the f-" Enzo started talking

"There Is somebody in the fucking house Enzo" I whispered loud enough for him to hear

"what?" he said sounding more serious now

"There is somebody in the fucking house! Bring your ass over here with Luke." I said making sure not to speak to loud, I had dealt with people in my house before but with Amelia here.. I could not just go and find the person in the house. I had many people that hated me, They would do anything just to get back at me. 

"okay, okay! We are on our way." He said, "Good, Hurry up!" I said and hung up, I looked back at Amelia and her hands were shaking. I didn't want her to have another Panic attack, Not right now. 

"baby, Look at me. I promise you that It's okay, Don't worry. Take some deep breaths okay?" I spoke

She breathed in and out and kept repeating it. I kissed her forehead 

"Its going to be fine. Luke and Enzo are not far" I comforted her, She nodded her head and tried to dig her nails into her arm but I quickly grabbed it and shook my head at her. 

We just had to wait for the Idiots to show up..

I had their location on my phone so I knew where they were. They were 5 minutes away..

It was going to be fine.



It was not suppose to happen in this chapter but I make it up as I write, I barely know whats going to happen in the chapter-

SOOOOO... I wish you bitches luck when u read the next chapter.

what do you guys think of Luke and Enzo?

who is ur favourite character


word count: 1378

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