I think I am falling in love

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We arrived at the hospital, I was fucking panicking. Amelia was passed out in my arms! I quickly opened the car door with one hand and rushed into the hospital, A doctor rushed over to me and told me to follow him. He took me to a hospital room and told me to place Amelia on the bed, I did as he said. I placed Amelia on the bed, My hands were shaking. "Sir, I need you to leave the room." The doctor said to me, He just made me more angry. 

"what the fuck? no!" I nearly yelled, The doctor was about to protest but Enzo came over to me.

"Dylan, Let's just go and get some food or something and let the doctors help Amelia." Enzo said as he looked at Amelia, She had nurses all around her. It broke my fucking heart

this was all my fault.

I felt like I was going to cry, I could not. Not in front of everyone, I finally agreed and Enzo took me out of the room. 

"are you okay?" I asked Enzo, I wanted to make sure he was okay. "yeah, I'm fine. I just have a sprained ankle" He told me, I was confused on why he had a sprained ankle. I Did not think Mike and Ronald would sprain his ankle, They like blood. 

Enzo clearly saw the confusion on my face as he explained more "Ronald came into the room and was going to hurt Amelia so I stood in front of her to try and stop him, He pushed me out of the way and I fell into something Metal." He said

I was shocked he tried to protect Amelia, I mean I wouldn't say Luke and Enzo hated her but they were not the biggest fan of her. 

I knew Enzo and Luke loved my brother before Amelia's parents killed him, I think that they both hold a grudge over Amelia because of her parents. I have not explained to them fully on why I am keeping her here and everything, I have just told them about her flashbacks and panic attacks. 

"Thank you, Enzo." I finally said, He looked at me and smiled. 

We have been waiting for 2 fucking hours! I'm about to throw a chair at somebody if nobody tells me anything. Enzo told me that Luke went to the office to try and find out where Ronald and Mike went and if they were alive or not.

Enzo was half asleep, I could not sleep. I was to worried about Amelia, I was also a bit angry as well. I was slightly worried that I would release my anger out on her but I promised myself I would not do that.

"Mr, King?" A doctor called out, I rushed off the chair. "Mrs, Miller's is just fine. She has lost quite a lot of blood though so she is a bit off at the moment. She will be fine to go home in about an hour" He said

Relief flooded me as I knew she was okay, I thanked the doctor and went to Amelia's room. I was desperate to see her.

I walked inside of her room and saw her on the bed, She was awake and looked panicked. "my love" I said, It caught her attention as she quickly looked at me. I noticed how scared she looked

I went over to her and hugged her tightly, "it's okay, my love." I said calmly to her

after a couple minutes she had calmed down, I was sitting next to her bed. My blood boiled as I saw the cut on her shoulder

Anger was building up inside of me. "Dylan, Are you okay?" Amelia asked me, I looked at her. I knew the rage was easy to see in my eyes

"no, I am fucking not. You got fucking Kidnapped Amelia! They hurt you. I thought I would never fucking see you again! How the hell did they even get you? Did you even try to fight back?" I yelled, All I could see was red. 

"D-Dylan" she said

Fuck, I promised myself I would not yell at her or near her! "shit, My love.. I'm sorry. I was just annoyed because they hurt you, You did not deserve that. I'm so sorry" I said

She nodded her head, "It's okay.. I understand." she said

I didn't think she forgave me but I wanted to let it go for now. I needed to find out what actually happened to my princess.

"what happened, My love?" I asked and sat on the edge of her bed and took her soft hands into mine. She took a deep breathe in, "I left your room to go into mine so I could chance and.. I saw a shadow on the balcony and I thought it might have been an animal or something so I went out there to see what it was, I felt someone cover my mouth then it all went black." She explained to me

My heart hurt for her, I should have had a bodyguard protect her if i knew Enzo got taken. I should have knew they would have taken anyone else in that house as well.

"Amelia, Darling.. I'm so sorry. I should have had someone protect you" I said and kissed her soft lips

"it's okay.. I'm here now. Is Enzo okay?" She asked, "yes, Enzo is downstairs sleeping in the waiting room. He just has a sprained ankle" I said to her

She nodded her head

"Dylan" She said, I nodded my head. "W-what did you do about my friends?" She asked me, I knew what she meant. She wanted to know if I hurt them, Or maybe what I told them. 

I wondered why she was asking me this as she has been here for a while, Did she want to leave me? Is she trying to escape.

"why" I asked in a more cold voice, I did not mean for it to come out like that.

"I-I just wanted to know" She said with a stutter making me aware she was anxious.

"okay, my love. I'm sorry, I did not mean for it to come out that coldly. I messaged a friend called Luna on your phone and told her that you were staying at your aunts in Florida for a while." I said to her

"h-how did you know I have a aunt in Florida?" She asked, She was still anxious. "Lucky guess" I smiled. She did not need to know that I had been stalking her for a long while

"w-won't they still message a-and call me?" she asked, "no, I told them that you were leaving your phone here as you wanted to spend more time with your aunt and other family while you were there." I said, Her friends brought the Lie pretty well to be honest.

"oh" she mumbled, I knew she wanted to see her friends, I was thinking about letting her in a couple weeks but now all this has happened I don't want to risk her getting taken away from me again.

I don't care she was only taken from me for a couple hours or maybe a day, She is mine. I need her to be safe at all times

If she is not safe, or in my arms. I feel like I cannot breathe, I feel like I need to constantly worrying about her.

I kissed her cheek in hopes to make her happier again, It worked as she let out a small giggle. 

I think I am starting to fall in love with Amelia Miller.



thats so cute

i wish i could hug my gf. BFJWKBFKJWBFKJAWBFKJWABF

yall got a valentine?

I like being nosy, I like knowing if people have valentines and shit



Im debating if i should update the brother book or the college book....... Its a hard decision but i might update the college book

I hit a block for the brother book, IDFK WHAT TO DO FOR THE NEXT CHAPTER

my brain is not working pls send help

im hungry but i already ate like a whole pizza and a whole bag of brownie bites and now i dont wanna move to get more food. Yall should eat a whole pizza and a whole bag of brownie bites. its fucking amazing


word count: 1368

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