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We just got back the house, "okay, go to your room and i'll come in a minute" I said to her.. I kissed her forehead

"can I go to your room" She asked shyly

I felt a tug at my heart for some reason.

 "yes love. Go to my room" I told her. She walked up the stairs

 "Assholes!" I yelled to Enzo and Luke. I heard them groan "what dickhead" Luke said "where did you put the bags and shit" I asked as they walked towards me, "The guards took the clothes to the bedroom and the food is in the kitchen" Enzo stated. I nodded my head and went to the kitchen leaving the idiots alone. I grabbed the food and went up to my bedroom, Amelia was sitting on my bed looking down at her lap.

 I knew she was probably bored but I cant risk giving amelia her phone back yet.. soon but not now. 

 I placed the food on my nightstand "Love" I called out to her, She looked at me I took her hand and carefully took her off the bed, I took Amelia to her new room "all your clothes are in the closet. if you want more just tell me, We can online shop" I said to her She nodded her head and went to the walk in closet

I noticed how she didn't like the crowds I remembered the email


"There's also a chance she could grow up with Anxiety" 

 I didn't know much about Anxiety.. but I was willing to learn about it so I could protect her and make her feel better

She came out of the closet wearing.. Grey sweatpants and a baggy white shirt. Fuck! she looked so beautiful. she walked over to me I looked into her hazel eyes the ones you could easily get lost in, She looked like she wanted to ask something

"what's up pretty girl?" I asked as I kissed her forehead. I wanted her to trust me.. I wanted her to want me back! I had to wait for her to want me.. that's if she will even want me. 

"can I.. have one of your hoodies" She asked me. I felt my heart get tugged again! "Of course you can my love. let's go back to my room okay?" I said, She nodded her head.. I took her hand and took her back to my room it was right next door to Amelia's. 

"Pick whatever hoodie you want there all in my closet. I'm going to change" I said as I pulled some random clothes out of the closet and went into the bathroom to change. I walked out of the bathroom I was wearing black sweatpants with a dark red plain shirt. 

My chain was showing as well, Amelia was wearing a hoodie.. It had Italian written on the front 

 "what does it say" she asked me

I looked at it

"It says Benvenuti nel lato oscuro. It means welcome to the dark side" I said with a chuckle, I don't know why I brought that. She let out a small smile which made her look angelic.

"come on, food" I reminded her. I let her sit down on my bed and gave Amelia her food "What do you want to watch?" I asked her, I had got a TV put in here while we were at the mall

"um.. Pretty little liars?" She asked

I chuckled "alright love" I said as I switched the tv on.

Amelia finished her food and she scooted down a bit and put her head on my arm.. she took my hand into hers and brought it close to her. 

 shit.. she was making me feel something 

 like love?

 no It can't be! I've never been in love. I only kidnapped her for answers.. So why was I keeping her? I don't have the answer to that yet.

 I wanted her here though


Short ass chapter for today but anyways! 

How are you guys?

what are ur thoughts on the book?

Life isnt always so perfect will be updated tomorrow:)

Eat and drink:) 


Word count: 685

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