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We were now on our way to get Enzo and Amelia back, Luke was driving because he did not trust me to drive while I was angry. I was panicking, I didn't want to loose Amelia or Enzo. They both meant so much to me!

We had around 50 Guards, It was not a lot but I knew that Mike and Ronald did not have a lot of guards

We only had guards because my family were fucking cruel, They killed so many people because they did not pay them back on time. We were only an office building, We pretty much just helped people, but if we helped them. They had to pay us back twice the money or return us a favour, Many of them did not return us a favour so we killed them, Some of them did not pay us back the money. Some of them tried to run..

Some of them just betrayed us and tried to steal money or some other things, I had learnt about the business when i was 11. My dad wanted me learn everything so I could become CEO of it when he stepped down, He died 10 years ago. When I was 18. My mum died when i was 19. I was left alone.. 

well, I had a brother. But he did nothing but cause problems, He hates me. I have no idea where he is now.. All I know is he knows not to try anything.

"we're 30 minutes away" Luke suddenly spoke up, I nodded my head. 


My head was fucking killing me! I could barely stand, Enzo told me to sit my ass down. 

There was footsteps coming towards us, Enzo looked at me and I looked at him. We were both worried, As much as Enzo tried to hide it I could see he was scared. 

I could see that all of them tried to Hide their fear.

I miss Cassie and Luna. 

I need to ask Dylan if I could call them, I realise that I never know when I could die so I need to speak to one of them. As much as I like Dylan.. Maybe Cassie or Luna could get me out of his house.

Suddenly the doors unlocked, I looked up and saw The man who brought me in here earlier. Fear fills my body as he stares right at me. 

He starts to walk towards me but Enzo quickly stands in front of me. "No" Enzo says, "get out of my way Enzo, Or I will hurt you both." The man says

I didn't know what to do, I did not want Enzo to get hurt. I didn't know much about Enzo or Luke but I knew they were important to Dylan, And Dylan was important to me.. I think. I haven't exactly been In love before So I dont know how it feels to be in love. 

The man suddenly pushes Enzo aside making him fall onto the ground, He groans in pain. I realise that he hit a metal bar. It made contact with his leg.

"come here." The man says to me, I looked over at Enzo. He is now sitting up, I can see it in his eyes that he wants to protect me, But he can't and he knows he can't. 

I get up and stumble over to the man, He grabs me harshly and handcuffs my hands together.

"Now, Enzo. Your going to fucking sit there and watch me hurt this girl, I know she is important to you or else you wouldn't have went in front of her like that. What is she to you? A girlfriend?" He chuckles 

Enzo stays silent, He still remains eye contact with the man. "Reply to me!" The man yells as he kicks Enzo where the metal bar hit him when he fell on the ground. Enzo groans out in pain, "No, She is not a girlfriend to me. She is a friend" Enzo finally replies

A friend? really

The man chuckles and walks back over to me, He picks up a Knife from the table and places it against my shoulder.

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