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The ball was today, I was kind of nervous. Dylan had warned me that if we went to this ball, there was going to be loads of news reporters and shit. He said that our relationship would be public. 

I decided that I wanted to go anyways, The more our relationship is open to the public the more chance I have of leaving the house more.

"Baby" Dylan called out to me, I hummed in reply. "Enzo got you a dress, It's in your closet." He said, I smiled and thanked him. "Be ready in an hour!" He called out as I went to my room.

I was excited to see what dress I have, I was also nervous. A ball sounds like it has loads of people, I don't want to look stupid.

I went into my room and to my closet, I looked around till I saw a black dress. It was amazing, I realised what Dylan said though. I had an hour to.. do my hair and makeup! Shit.

I quickly changed into the dress, It hugged my curves perfectly. I was still insecure about it though, What if I look stupid? am I fat?

I sighed and pushed it off my mind for a bit, It took me 10 god damn minutes to change into that dress. It was so much effort, Like damn.

I went into the bathroom and grabbed my makeup out of the cabinet, This would've been so much easier with Cassie and Luna. 

A idea struck my head.

Maybe.. Maybe Dylan would let me facetime them, I mean it couldn't hurt to ask.. right? I sighed and quickly ran out of my room to Dylan's room, I can't waste time. 

I walked into Dylan's room, He was shirtless. Oh shit, He looked good. "take a picture, It might last longer amor." He said, I looked up to his face and he was smirking. I had to stop myself from rolling my eyes.

"wow, You look.. fucking amazing." He said as his eyes went down my body, I blushed and looked down. "my shy little baby" He mumbled, I could see the smirk on his face even though I was looking at the carpet.

"what's up, my love?" He said, My nerves came forward. Just do it, Amelia! 

"C-can I facetime my friends?" I forced out, Oh my lord. I just did that! I was happy that I actually pushed my nerves out of the way and asked him. 

"Sure, but why?" he answered

"girl time! anyways, can't waste time." I said with a smile and ran out of his room and back into my room, I knew Dylan was confused as fuck right now. I could imagine his confused face, It was so funny.

I grabbed my phone from the nightstand, I have been spending a lot of time in Dylan's room recently so he didn't take my phone from my room as I wasn't in here. he usually takes it and keeps it near him so I don't 'call the police'.

I quickly unlocked it and scrolled through my contacts till I saw Luna, I knew Cassie would be with her as well. 



"Hey, bitch." Luna said, I could hear Cassie yell something in the background. "hey" I replied as I started walking to the bathroom, Luna put the phone up against something so I could see her and Cassie, They looked like they were getting ready to go clubbing.

"where are you bitches going?" I asked, The phone was facing the wall as I tried to find a makeup brush. 

"to a club, Also show us your fucking face" Cassie said, I rolled my eyes and put the phone so it showed me. 

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