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Amelia has been so clingy ever since she got the tracker, Her excuse was 'I deserve to be babied after that painful experience' 

I had finally convinced her to be alone with Enzo today, She seemed to be gaining more trust for Luke and Enzo. Which was good, I had made sure to let Luke and Enzo know that Amelia was fucking mine.

Luke had called me to tell me that He had found Mike. He got our men to kidnap him he was in one of our buildings basement's, It was the one we barely used. We only used it for this sort of thing. I didn't want Amelia to be anywhere near this, She didn't even need to know I done this sort of stuff.

Mike deserves whatever happens to him today, He hurt my girl and he hurt my bestfriend. It won't ever happen again. Stupid fuck.

I arrived at the building, Luke was already inside. Nobody bothered trying to get me to 'sign in' as they saw how pissed I was. I was ready to stab some bitches like right now. 

I made my way down to the bottom floor and when I finally reached it, The smell of blood filled my nose. It was weird but I liked the smell of blood, Only when It was the blood of people I hate.

Luke had told me they were in room 20, I made my way past all the other rooms. I heard screaming from some of the rooms. I ignored them all.. 

Screaming pissed me off, Like shut up! I know your getting stabbed but like die more quiet please. 

I reached the door and unlocked it with the key.

I walked in and saw Mike tied to a chair, His hands and legs were chained up. He already had some bruises on him and some cuts, Luke looked more pissed than me right now. There was 2 other people in the room, Sometimes we don't want to get our hands dirty but we want to watch so we order some other people to get their hands dirty for us.

I was only going to do a bit of the work, I don't want to smell of blood when I get back to Amelia. 

"Dylan-" Mike tried to give me some shitty excuse, "Shut up, Mike. You kidnapped my best friend and my girl to get fucking revenge on me?" I said in anger. "Look- we can work it out" He said

He was already a dead man. 

"No, It's to late. If you want any chance of living, Tell me where Ronald is." I said, He thought for a moment "He's in Mexico." He said with no other thoughts. God damn it, This bitch is so dumb!

Luke burst out laughing "well that was easy" He said, "Your not living either way, Mike." I said with a smirk as I watched his face drop. "but-" He tried to say

I took a step back and watched Luke go in front of me, He went to the table and picked up a knife. 

He walked towards Mike, "I'm pretty sure this is what you ordered Ronald to do to Enzo isn't it?" Luke said as he dragged the knife across Mike's face. Mike screamed in pain, I rolled my eyes at him. 

One of the other 2 men in the room saw my eye roll and went to another draw and got a gag and tied it to mike's mouth, I mumbled a thank you to him. He nodded at me and went back to where he was standing. 

Luke continued to cut him where they cut Enzo. He took a step back and admired his work, He passed me the bloody knife. I smiled, I walked to Mike and quickly stabbed his arm. He screamed through the gag, I started to dig it deeper and then drag it across his arm.

"fucking bitch." I mumbled to him, I finished stabbing and cutting him. I put the knife back on the table. I stood back next to Luke and told the men to torture him while we watched. 

I watched as one of the men picked up a scalpel and walked over to Mike, He turned it round so the sharp side of it was towards Mike's face. He then jammed it into his right eye, He screamed loudly into his gag. Blood spurted everywhere, as a squishing sound filled the room as the scalpel hit his eye. 

It made Luke cringe, I just smirked at his pain.

They continued to torture the fucker, They ripped some of his teeth out, They cut some of his fingers off, They cut parts of his ears off. He was begging for death at this point. 

The men were waiting for me and Luke's permission to kill him, I looked at Luke and he looked at me. We both nodded "Finish him." I ordered and me and Luke both left the room.

"That was fun" He said with a smile as he wiped some of the blood off his arm. I smirked and nodded my head as we started walking up the stairs to the main floor. We had some spare clothes here in case it got messy down there, I just had blood spurted on me so I needed to change and shower before I went home. 

I also decided I was going to get Amelia some Flowers on the way home as well, Enzo wants to host a ball for fun. 

He's up to something, I already know but It has been a while since I hosted a ball so I was thinking about saying yes. 

I went to the office in the building, Me Leo and Enzo all had offices in every one of our buildings. 

I got into the shower, and wiped off all the blood. I watched as the water turned bright red as It went down the drain, I couldn't help but smirk. I got out the shower and dried off quickly as I wanted to get back to Amelia as soon as I could.

I had paper work to finish but I could just do that while I was next to Amelia.

I changed into a white dress shirt and black work pants and ran my hand through my wet hair, It looked messy now but whatever.

I met up with Luke outside my office and we both got into the car.



okay bye bye 

word count: 1109

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