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"No!" Amelia whined again, I had been trying to convince her to get the tracker put into her wrist. She was refusing

"Amelia-" She looked at me with widened eyes of shock

"Baby-" I corrected myself, She looked more pleased now.

"baby, The tracker will keep you safe." I tried to explain, "but-" She tried to say but I put my finger on her lips, "If I know your safe, I will let you go out alone in June." I said trying to convince her.

It was currently March 1st. It was two months until June that is enough time to engrave in her pretty little head that she is fucking mine. 

"will it hurt?" She asked, I paused for a moment. 


"It's going to hurt!" Enzo whined while he was sitting in the private clinic we had in the mansion. 

"stop being a baby! it's fine. It will hurt for one second" I groaned to him. The doctor came in with a needle that had the tracker in. It just gets placed into ur skin with the needle

Enzo pretty much screamed like a little girl when the needle went into his arm. 


"I can get you some numbing cream if it would make you feel better about it." I suggested

It had been a week since she came back from Mike and Ronald and the hospital and shit. We haven't found Mike or Ronald yet, They went into hiding.

Amelia has been on edge ever since, She is clinging to me all the time. I don't mind but I don't want her to always feel like she needs me, I want her to be mine and only mine. I don't want her to look at another fucking man but I want her to be independent on her own. 

"who would do it?" Amelia asked, "The doctor, or I could get Enzo to do it. I don't have medical shit so I can't do it" I said to her, "Enzo." She said. I nodded my head

I went to my nightstand and took out the numbing cream and took her wrist into my hand and rubbed the numbing cream in. I waited a couple seconds for it, I pressed at the place where I put the cream "feel anything?" I asked her. She shook her head, I nodded my head and kissed her forehead

I took Amelia's hand and took her to Enzo's bedroom, Enzo has most of the medical shit in his room including the trackers. I knocked on his door but I didn't bother to wait as I walked in, he looked at me as he was offended.

I rolled my eyes, "can you give Amelia a tracker?" I asked. He looked at Amelia and then back at me and nodded his head, I went to sit on his bed. I adjusted Amelia so her face was hidden in my neck but her wrist was still visible. 

I could feel her shaking in my arms, then it stopped. I realised I was rubbing my thumb up and down on her lower back without even knowing

Enzo came back with the needle, I watched as he placed the small green tracker into the syringe. He sterilized her wrist and looked at me to warn he was going to do it. 

I held Amelia tighter, He inserted the tracker into her. All there was from her was a small wince but that was all. "Done" Enzo said and threw the syringe in the trash can next to his desk

Me and Amelia thanked him and I moved her again and carried her out the room bridal style, "I'm tired" she muttered into my chest.

I had noticed how she was tired and lacking energy a lot, I didn't know if it was just because of what happened or there was something else going on here. 

I did ask Amelia if she got any flashbacks of her family when she got back but she said Enzo kept her comforted most of the time so it reminded her her family was not there anymore, I was happy when she said that.

I nodded my head, "let's take you to your room baby." I said and placed a gentle kiss on her forehead, She nodded and dug her head further into my chest.

I took her to the bedroom and placed her under the blankets, Luke was still out trying to find Mike and Ronald. He hasn't found them or any trace of them, He didn't want to come back to the house because he was angry and he knew about Amelia's flashbacks and didn't want to trigger one.

I watched as Amelia's eyes shut and her breathing became lighter. she looked at peace when she was sleeping, When Amelia was awake she was constantly on high alert. I wanted to stop that I didn't want my principessa to be scared all the time.


I could feel that her being tired all the time and her having no energy and refusing to eat a lot was not because of what happened. I had a gut feeling, I was going to get to the bottom of it all.

I didn't want her to hurt.

I need her and she needs me.

She is mine and will always be mine, she is my world. I watched as a frown appeared on her face in her sleep, I saw a tear roll down her face. I rushed to her side and started stroking her hair, It allowed her to calm down.

I had picked up many of her body signals, I know when she is tired, When her anxiety is high. I had also been learning about anxiety so I understood it more to help her. I know that anxiety sucks and anxiety comes with a whole bunch of shit.

She is my girl and I will protect her with my life.

I kissed her forehead, "I will always protect you, My love." I whispered. I knew she couldn't hear me

I will protect her with my whole damn life, I will take a bullet for this girl.



word count: 1009

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